Package: protobuf
Tags: stretch,buster,bullseye,sid

Dear Maintainer,

during our build on stretch with backports ienabled with automatic solver
to install dependencies (libprotobuf-dev and protobuf-compiler), pbuiled
aptitude solver managed to install the two packages with two different versions:

libprotobuf-dev = 3.6.1-4~bpo9+1
protobuf-compiler = 3.0.0-9

This leads to broken protobuf toolchain and errors in the build:

[  3%] Building CXX object
In file included from /src/foo-defs/build-docker/acme/proto/
/src/foo-defs/build-docker/acme/proto/foo.pb.h:17:2: error: #error
This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
 #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
/src/foo-defs/build-docker/acme/proto/foo.pb.h:18:2: error: #error
incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
 #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers.  Please
/src/foo-defs/build-docker/acme/proto/foo.pb.h:19:2: error: #error
regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
 #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.

Would you consider adding the Breaks dependency (see attached patch)
so the dependency solver is not offered the broken solution anymore?


Jan Kriho
diff -Nru protobuf- protobuf-
--- protobuf-     2019-04-16 22:12:03.000000000 +0000
+++ protobuf-     2019-07-10 16:29:27.000000000 +0000
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
 Section: libdevel
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, zlib1g-dev,
  libprotobuf17 (= ${binary:Version}), libprotobuf-lite17 (= ${binary:Version})
+Breaks: protobuf-compiler (<< ${binary:Version}), protobus-compiler (>> ${binary:Version})
 Description: protocol buffers C++ library (development files) and proto files
  Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for
  serializing structured data - similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and

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