Dear Jonathan,

with help from the DPT I realized what is going on here.

I had the wrong assumption that all Debian packages do run some kind of
tests. I couldn't imagine it that Debian, which stands for high
quality, do accept untested packages in its repo.

That is why this ticket was kind of urgent to me. I didn't realized
that BIT never had running tests at Debian. I thought the tests are
"just broken".

Please don't wast your time on workaround this ticket. It is just the
tip of the iceberg. Our upstream tests do work with SSH server,
generating SSH key pairs, installing them, running rsync, running other
backintime processes, etc. Find a solution for writing to HOME won't
save all problems.

We do discuss this at upstream

My plan is to separate our test suite into unit, integration and system
tests. Then you will be able to run just the unit tests.

I do suggest making this ticket a "minor bug" instead of "wishlist". It
is IMHO a bug having an untested package in Debian. "Minor" is a
compromise. I would make it "grave". :)


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