Package: htpdate
Version: 1.2.2-3

Hi guys,

the issue has btw not been solved from what I can see and test, but is still present on Buster backports as well as on Bullseye and Sid.

The reason is "InaccessibleDirectories" option in the systemd unit "/lib/systemd/system/htpdate.service". For security hardening it contains:
InaccessibleDirectories=/boot /home /media /mnt /root /opt /srv

All these directories must exist, otherwise systemd fails to mount them inaccessible for the service, producing the reported error. This could hence be also seen as systemd issue, although the question is how to better deal with such case:

1. Pre-create the directories, if they do not exist? However could be confusing when a systemd unit creates directories unexpectedly and could even cause issues if those places are (about to be) used for files or it is a R/O path.

2. Ignore directories that do not exist? However could break the security intention when e.g. the dir is created after the service has been started and data is stored inside then that was wanted to be inaccessible for the service.

3. Use another mount method that does not require the dir to exist before? Not sure if possible, at least "mount" command as well requires the mountpoint dir to exist.

So finally it is probably indeed best to fail and let the admin decide how to solve it. The error message has been slightly enhanced with new systemd version (Buster backports+):
May 25 14:31:26 VM-Buster systemd[216]: htpdate.service: Failed to set up mount namespacing: /run/systemd/unit-root/media: No such file
or directory
However could still be more clear, not sure how fast one usually derives from this that "/media" dir is missing.

Since all listed directories are "required" to fulfil current FHS ( IMO it is okay that htpdate expects them and the issue could be forwarded to systemd to either handle such cases more gracefully or make the error output bulletproof understandable.

Best regards,


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