I have prepared a patch for chromium addressing bugs 965960 and 967124

Bug 965960 (crash on 32-bit) was caused by lack of support in the sandbox for 
the 64-bit time syscalls that
have recently been added to Linux/glibc. I added  __NR_clock_gettime64, 
and __NR_utimensat_time64 to the syscall whitelist. I also added 
__NR_clock_nanosleep_time64 to the code that filters the "clock" parameter for 
the __NR_clock_gettime
and __NR_clock_nanosleep syscalls. After doing this the browser seemed to be 
usable on both Debian
sid i386 and raspbian bullseye. These changes are in the patch 

Regarding bug 967124 I started by replacing all references to "/usr/bin/python" and 
"env python"
(mostly shebangs) with the versioned equivilents using sed. These changes are 
in the patch
debian/patches/use-explicit-python2-sed.patch. I then changed the 
build-dependency from python to
python2 and tried a build.

This build failed with an error about being unable to find python. Some digging 
tracked it down
to a reference to unversioned python in "gn", which I patched. This change is in
debian/patches/use-explicit-python2-gn.patch . The build was then successful.

I have uploaded the fixes to Raspbian bullseye. A debdiff can be found at
I may or may not NMU this in Debian later.

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