Source: eso-midas
Version: 19.02pl1.1-2
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200802 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[2]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib'
> rm -f *.o __*
> ar xv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libos.a
> x - oss.o
> x - osh.o
> x - osa.o
> x - osd.o
> x - osf.o
> x - osp.o
> x - ospuwait.o
> x - osx.o
> x - osu.o
> x - osl.o
> x - osc.o
> x - ost.o
> x - osmessage.o
> x - oserror.o
> x - winsize.o
> x - osmemory.o
> x - oshenv.o
> x - osfdate.o
> x - osfparse.o
> x - osstr.o
> x - ospsystem.o
> x - iodevg.o
> x - iodev.o
> rm -f __*
> ar xv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libdio.a
> x - fitsrhd.o
> x - fitsthd.o
> x - fitsrkw.o
> x - fitsckw.o
> x - fitsrdm.o
> x - fitsrdmNUL.o
> x - fitsrdmui2.o
> x - fitsrat.o
> x - fitsrbt.o
> x - fitssxd.o
> x - fitsrmd.o
> x - fitscdm.o
> x - fitswkw.o
> x - fitswmd.o
> x - fitswhd.o
> x - fitswdm.o
> x - fitswat.o
> x - fitswbt.o
> x - fitstkw.o
> x - fitswdb.o
> x - fitshkw.o
> x - fitshdr.o
> x - fitsmdb.o
> x - fitsinf.o
> x - cvb.o
> x - dataio.o
> x - ofname.o
> x - dclist.o
> x - fkwstr.o
> x - getval.o
> x - getint.o
> x - f77fmt.o
> x - datecvt.o
> x - txtfile.o
> rm -f __*
> ar xv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libftoc.a
> x - stloc.o
> x - stc.o
> x - std.o
> x - ste.o
> x - stf.o
> x - sti.o
> x - stk.o
> x - stp.o
> x - sts.o
> x - stt.o
> x - genftoc.o
> x - vmr.o
> x - tbc.o
> x - tbt.o
> x - tbr.o
> x - tbe.o
> x - tbm.o
> x - tbd.o
> x - ystc.o
> x - ystd.o
> x - yste.o
> x - ystf.o
> x - ysti.o
> x - ystk.o
> x - ystp.o
> x - ysts.o
> x - ystt.o
> x - ygen.o
> x - ytbc.o
> x - ytbt.o
> x - ytbr.o
> x - ytbe.o
> x - ytbd.o
> rm -f __*
> ar xv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libst.a
> x - cgna.o
> x - cgnb.o
> x - cgnc.o
> x - cgnd.o
> x - cgne.o
> x - midcat.o
> x - middsc.o
> x - middsca.o
> x - midfct.o
> x - midfcta.o
> x - midfctb.o
> x - midkey.o
> x - midkeya.o
> x - midkeyb.o
> x - midkeyc.o
> x - miderr.o
> x - midinfo.o
> x - midldb.o
> x - midlog.o
> x - midterm.o
> x - midmessage.o
> x - scc.o
> x - scca.o
> x - scd.o
> x - scda.o
> x - scdb.o
> x - scdc.o
> x - scdx.o
> x - sce.o
> x - scf.o
> x - scfa.o
> x - scfb.o
> x - scfe.o
> x - scfaux.o
> x - sci.o
> x - sck.o
> x - scka.o
> x - sckb.o
> x - scs.o
> x - scsa.o
> x - sct.o
> x - scp.o
> x - osyc.o
> x - fsy.o
> x - scaux.o
> rm -f __*
> ar xv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libtbl.a
> x - tca.o
> x - tcc.o
> x - tcd.o
> x - tce.o
> x - tcm.o
> x - tcr.o
> x - tct.o
> x - tctold.o
> x - tz0.o
> x - tz1.o
> x - tz2.o
> x - tz3.o
> x - tz4.o
> x - tz5.o
> x - tz6.o
> x - tz8.o
> x - tz9.o
> x - str1.o
> ar ruv /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libmidas.a  *.o
> ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
> ar: creating /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libmidas.a
> a - cgna.o
> a - cgnb.o
> a - cgnc.o
> a - cgnd.o
> a - cgne.o
> a - cvb.o
> a - dataio.o
> a - datecvt.o
> a - dclist.o
> a - f77fmt.o
> a - fitscdm.o
> a - fitsckw.o
> a - fitshdr.o
> a - fitshkw.o
> a - fitsinf.o
> a - fitsmdb.o
> a - fitsrat.o
> a - fitsrbt.o
> a - fitsrdm.o
> a - fitsrdmNUL.o
> a - fitsrdmui2.o
> a - fitsrhd.o
> a - fitsrkw.o
> a - fitsrmd.o
> a - fitssxd.o
> a - fitsthd.o
> a - fitstkw.o
> a - fitswat.o
> a - fitswbt.o
> a - fitswdb.o
> a - fitswdm.o
> a - fitswhd.o
> a - fitswkw.o
> a - fitswmd.o
> a - fkwstr.o
> a - fsy.o
> a - genftoc.o
> a - getint.o
> a - getval.o
> a - iodev.o
> a - iodevg.o
> a - midcat.o
> a - middsc.o
> a - middsca.o
> a - miderr.o
> a - midfct.o
> a - midfcta.o
> a - midfctb.o
> a - midinfo.o
> a - midkey.o
> a - midkeya.o
> a - midkeyb.o
> a - midkeyc.o
> a - midldb.o
> a - midlog.o
> a - midmessage.o
> a - midterm.o
> a - ofname.o
> a - osa.o
> a - osc.o
> a - osd.o
> a - oserror.o
> a - osf.o
> a - osfdate.o
> a - osfparse.o
> a - osh.o
> a - oshenv.o
> a - osl.o
> a - osmemory.o
> a - osmessage.o
> a - osp.o
> a - ospsystem.o
> a - ospuwait.o
> a - oss.o
> a - osstr.o
> a - ost.o
> a - osu.o
> a - osx.o
> a - osyc.o
> a - scaux.o
> a - scc.o
> a - scca.o
> a - scd.o
> a - scda.o
> a - scdb.o
> a - scdc.o
> a - scdx.o
> a - sce.o
> a - scf.o
> a - scfa.o
> a - scfaux.o
> a - scfb.o
> a - scfe.o
> a - sci.o
> a - sck.o
> a - scka.o
> a - sckb.o
> a - scp.o
> a - scs.o
> a - scsa.o
> a - sct.o
> a - stc.o
> a - std.o
> a - ste.o
> a - stf.o
> a - sti.o
> a - stk.o
> a - stloc.o
> a - stp.o
> a - str1.o
> a - sts.o
> a - stt.o
> a - tbc.o
> a - tbd.o
> a - tbe.o
> a - tbm.o
> a - tbr.o
> a - tbt.o
> a - tca.o
> a - tcc.o
> a - tcd.o
> a - tce.o
> a - tcm.o
> a - tcr.o
> a - tct.o
> a - tctold.o
> a - txtfile.o
> a - tz0.o
> a - tz1.o
> a - tz2.o
> a - tz3.o
> a - tz4.o
> a - tz5.o
> a - tz6.o
> a - tz8.o
> a - tz9.o
> a - vmr.o
> a - winsize.o
> a - ygen.o
> a - ystc.o
> a - ystd.o
> a - yste.o
> a - ystf.o
> a - ysti.o
> a - ystk.o
> a - ystp.o
> a - ysts.o
> a - ystt.o
> a - ytbc.o
> a - ytbd.o
> a - ytbe.o
> a - ytbr.o
> a - ytbt.o
> rm -f __*
> ranlib /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/lib/libmidas.a 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/19FEB/local/make_shared -o *.o -lm  
> /usr/bin/ld: stc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stc.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stc.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stc.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stc.c:54: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: std.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/std.c:51: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: std.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/std.c:49: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: std.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/std.c:51: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: ste.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/ste.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: ste.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/ste.c:52: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stf.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stf.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stf.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stf.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stf.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stf.c:54: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stf.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stf.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stf.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stf.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sti.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sti.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sti.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sti.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sti.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sti.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sti.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sti.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sti.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sti.c:54: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stk.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stk.c:55: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stk.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stk.c:54: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stk.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stk.c:55: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stk.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stk.c:55: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stk.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stk.c:55: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stp.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stp.c:51: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stp.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stp.c:53: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sts.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sts.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sts.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sts.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sts.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sts.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sts.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sts.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: sts.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/sts.c:52: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stt.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stt.c:54: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: stt.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/stt.c:52: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbc.c:58: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbc.c:58: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbc.c:58: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbc.c:58: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbc.c:56: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbd.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbd.c:58: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbd.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbd.c:60: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbd.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbd.c:60: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbd.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbd.c:60: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbd.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbd.c:60: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbe.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbe.c:55: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbe.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbe.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbe.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbe.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbe.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbe.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbe.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbe.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbr.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbr.c:55: multiple definition of `mm'; 
> genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:48: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbr.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbr.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbr.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbr.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbr.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbr.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr4'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbr.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbr.c:57: multiple definition of 
> `ptr3'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbt.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbt.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr1'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> /usr/bin/ld: tbt.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/tbt.c:56: multiple definition of 
> `ptr2'; genftoc.o:./19FEB/libsrc/ftoc/genftoc.c:50: first defined here
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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