Control: reassign -1 src:ams.lv2 1.2.2-1

On 2020-08-04 11:33:03 +0100, wrote:
> Source: avw.lv2
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: gtk2 oldlibs
> Control: block 947713 by -1
> This package has Build-Depends on GTK 2 (libgtk2.0-dev), or produces
> binary packages with a Depends on GTK 2.
> GTK 2 was superseded by GTK 3 in 2011 (see
> <>). It no longer receives any significant
> upstream maintenance, and in particular does not get feature development
> for new features like UI scaling on high-pixel-density displays (HiDPI)
> and native Wayland support. GTK 3 is in maintenance mode and GTK 4 is
> approaching release, so it seems like a good time to be thinking about
> minimizing the amount of GTK 2 in the archive.
> GTK 2 is used by some important productivity applications like GIMP, and
> has also historically been a popular UI toolkit for proprietary software
> that we can't change, so perhaps removing GTK 2 from Debian will never be
> feasible. However, it has reached the point where a dependency on it is
> a bug - not a release-critical bug, and not a bug that can necessarily
> be fixed quickly, but a piece of technical debt that maintainers should
> be aware of.
> A porting guide is provided in the GTK 3 documentation:
> Some libraries (for example libgtkspell0) expose GTK as part of their
> API/ABI, in which case removing the deprecated dependency requires
> breaking API/ABI. For these libraries, in many cases there will already
> be a corresponding GTK 3 version (for example libgtkspell3-3-0), in which
> case the GTK 2-based library should probably be deprecated or removed
> itself. If there is no GTK 3 equivalent, of a GTK 2-based library,
> maintainers should talk to the dependent library's upstream developers
> about whether the dependent library should break API/ABI and switch
> to GTK 3, or whether the dependent library should itself be deprecated
> or removed.
> A few packages extend GTK 2 by providing plugins (theme engines, input
> methods, etc.) or themes, for example ibus and mate-themes. If these
> packages deliberately support GTK 2 even though it is deprecated, and
> they also support GTK 3, then it is appropriate to mark this mass-filed
> bug as wontfix for now. I have tried to exclude these packages from
> the mass-bug-filing, but I probably missed some of them.

avw.lv2 was superseded by ams.lv2 which still uses GTK 2. So let's
reassign this bug to ams.lv2.

Sebastian Ramacher

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