Source: isc-kea
Version: Please package the *stable* versions of Kea
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainers,

As you certainly know Kea has a versioning scheme where odd minor
numbers are used for development releases, while even minor numbers
are considered stable. I.e.

  1.5.x development
  1.6.x stable
  1.7.x development
  1.8.x stale

I think it would make sense for Debian to package only the stable (even)
releases, perhaps uploading the development ones to experimental for
testing purposes. At the moment this would mean packaging Kea-1.8.0,
and not 1.9.1. What do you think?

As a related question, do you plan to update the package any soon? If
you can use some help please let me know and I'll submit salsa MRs.



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