Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-05-04 Thread Nicholas D Steeves
Hi Lev,

Lev Lamberov  writes:

> That's interesting! Thanks for your input.

Thanks!  And you're welcome :-)

> I've tried Antoine's minimal configuration and can confirm that
> commenting out (package-initialize) resolves the problem. So, it
> really means that lsp-mode has an autoload cookie which when evaluated
> twice causes the bug.

Thank you for confirming this.

> But now I wonder to which package should we assign the bug report,
> lsp-mode, emacs, some other package?..

Hmm...let's start with lsp-mode, which should defend against double
evaluation of an autoload cookie.  I'm CCing Rob in case there's
something our emacs package could do (like release notes, or some kind
of init.el checks)...reason being, all users comes from prior Debian
releases will have (package-initialize) in their init.el files, and
there's an undefined but possibly huge subset of these users whose
configs may be broken by the new requirements to move a portion of their
configs to init-early.el.  We can always clone, reassign, and retitle as

Arguably this is just a normal "adapt to the new Emacs version" stuff,
but I feel like it might not be sufficiently well documented (ie: that
the fixes are "lore" rather than "documentation"), and I also feel like
we might get a lot of bug reports from users who aren't aware of these
changes.  To be completely honest, I'm not sure what the "balanced"
option is for this issue.

Rob, does this issue sound significant enough that we (in Debian) need
to do something more than usual?


Description: PGP signature

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-05-04 Thread Nicholas D Steeves
Hi Antoine,

I had started on a draft of this email before receiving your latest
update; however, I the info below is still relevant.

Antoine Beaupré  writes:

> I still need to get to the office to confirm the fix, but this totally
> makes sense. I have a very old Emacs configuration, which I've been
> carrying for over two decades at this point. Cruft is bound to creep up
> in there, and I'm actually surprised things still work in any meaningful
> way. :)

:-) I feel that way about some of my config too!  And I think you'll
agree that Emacs is great because it accommodates this, and that its
config and customisation becomes more of a "story" than the way some
people are using "story" as a synonym for "new user experience".  It's
tangential to this bug, but I'm curious what you think about the new
trendy "literate programming" style configs?  (I'm not sure if/when I
will switch to one, but I think it's a cool idea!):


> I'm still kind of confused. What's the proper way to (say) setup package
> repositories and then `use-package'?

If I understand the new Emacs init process correctly, then a simplified
form describing the init process looks something like this:

  (lambda ()
(load early-init.el)
;; I suspect the init for the UI goes here
(package-initialize)  ;; automatic
(mapc 'load (list of all supported init.el locations)))

I'm not a `use-package` user, but I think use-package stuff is supposed
to continue be configured from a supported init.el location...rationale
being that `use-package` seems like it ought to be

> In other words, what's the modern equivalent of this in my
> `.emacs.d/init.el`?
> (when (require 'package nil t)
>   (setq-default
>load-prefer-newer t
>package-enable-at-startup nil)

Please see note in previous emails about the location where
`package-enable-at-startup` *must* be set.  There may also be other bits
of your init.el that must now be moved to early-init.el.  Sorry, I don't
have a list...  I trust the docstrings, so I don't think this is an
optional thing that can be ignored.

>   (when (< emacs-major-version 27)
> (package-initialize))
>   (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/;)
> ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/;)))
>   ;; in elpa-use-package debian package since stretch
>   (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
> (package-refresh-contents)
> (package-install 'use-package)))
> (eval-when-compile
>   (require 'use-package)
>   (setq-default
>use-package-always-defer nil
>use-package-always-ensure t))
> Note that I added this `(when (< emacs-major-version 27)' blob to try to
> workaround the bug. But now it seems that this packaging stuff might
> belong to early-init.el? What if I want this config to still work in
> Emacs 26?

There are a couple of ways to do this, take your pick ;-)

1. Use early-init.el on Emacs 27 hosts and add special cases everywhere
it may be required in init.el (icky, imho!)
   * Note, init.el will need at least one special case for `package-initialize`.
2. Move what must go in early-init.el to that file, and then (load
early-init.el) at the top of init.el for emacs < 27 hosts.
   * I wonder if there will be corner case breakage with this?
3. If you don't need Emacs 25, that means you're on buster, which means
Emacs 27 is available from buster-backports.
   * This is the option I chose, to keep my config as simple as possible.
   * Please note there's a IMHO RC (to backports) bug in the declared
 dependencies.  IIRC the workaround is to manually 'apt install -t
 buster-backports emacs-common'.  It might have also been this
 issue: https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports/2021/03/msg00012.html
 Sorry, I can't clearly remember...
   * Buster-backports is also missing emacs-common-non-dfsg for Emacs 27
 :-(  Luckily it's arch:all so can be installed from unstable.
   * Additionally, take care to either remove elpa-org, or upgrade it to
   the version in unstable, since IIRC the version bundled with Emacs 27
   is newer than the version in buster.
> Thanks for holding my hand through the new millenia. ;)

Anytime!  Oh, one more thing, I've read about how old elc files (in
$HOME) have caused problems this release, so it's probably also a good
idea to erase them all and re[byte]compile them.


Description: PGP signature

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-05-03 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-30 10:23:14, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> Hi Nicholas,
> Чт 29 апр 2021 @ 13:54 Nicholas D Steeves :
>> Antoine Beaupré  writes:
>>> That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
>>> came up with this minimal reproducer:
>>> (when (require 'package nil t)
>>>   (setq-default
>>>load-prefer-newer t
>>>package-enable-at-startup nil)
>>>   (package-initialize)
>> I wonder if this "(package-initialize)" line, while using Emacs >= 27 is
>> exposing a bug in lsp-mode?  Since Emacs 27 now automatically runs
>> package-initialize in between the new early-init.el and the classic
>> .emacs.el/init.el/etc, maybe lsp-mode has an autoload cookie that gets
>> evaluated twice, leading to the broken state of the lsp sentinel?
>> Alternatively, maybe lsp-mode now assumes we live in a post-Emacs 27
>> world where all users have already dropped package-initialize from their
>> configs?
>> These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
>> package-enable-at-startup can be set:
>> If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
>> (but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
>> wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.
>> I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
>> package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
>> package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
>> If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
>> the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more
>> defensive.
> That's interesting! Thanks for your input. I've tried Antoine's minimal
> configuration and can confirm that commenting out (package-initialize)
> resolves the problem. So, it really means that lsp-mode has an autoload
> cookie which when evaluated twice causes the bug.

So removing the (package-initialize) bit doesn't work here, i.e. I still
get the bug. Not sure why *you* are getting something different here,
but I still don't have a good workaround.

> But now I wonder to which package should we assign the bug report,
> lsp-mode, emacs, some other package?..

I have no idea.

La dictature c'est ferme ta gueule.
La démocratie c'est cause toujours!
- Jean-Louis Barrault

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-30 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-29 20:38:53, Nicholas D. Steeves wrote:
> Antoine Beaupré  writes:
>> On 2021-04-29 13:54:05, Nicholas D. Steeves wrote:
> [snip]
>>> These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
>>> package-enable-at-startup can be set:
>>> If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
>>> (but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
>>> wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.
>>> I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
>>> package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
>>> package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
>>> If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
>>> the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more
>>> defensive.
>> So what you're saying is that in Emacs >= 27, I don't need the
>> package-initialize anymore and that will fix my bug?
> Yup, you don't need to manually call package-initialize anymore; also,
> please see the note about package-enable-at-startup, because that
> variable "must" now be set in the new early-init.el.  AFAICT These easy
> config changes are normal major version migration stuff, but I'm not
> sure if they'll be enough to solve your bug.  Definitely worth a shot
> though!

I still need to get to the office to confirm the fix, but this totally
makes sense. I have a very old Emacs configuration, which I've been
carrying for over two decades at this point. Cruft is bound to creep up
in there, and I'm actually surprised things still work in any meaningful
way. :)

I'm still kind of confused. What's the proper way to (say) setup package
repositories and then `use-package'?

In other words, what's the modern equivalent of this in my

(when (require 'package nil t)
   load-prefer-newer t
   package-enable-at-startup nil)
  (when (< emacs-major-version 27)
  (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/;)
  ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/;)))
  ;; in elpa-use-package debian package since stretch
  (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package)))

  (require 'use-package)
   use-package-always-defer nil
   use-package-always-ensure t))

Note that I added this `(when (< emacs-major-version 27)' blob to try to
workaround the bug. But now it seems that this packaging stuff might
belong to early-init.el? What if I want this config to still work in
Emacs 26?

Thanks for holding my hand through the new millenia. ;)


Arguing for surveillance because you have nothing to hide is no
different than making the claim, "I don't care about freedom of speech
because I have nothing to say."
- Edward Snowden

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-29 Thread Lev Lamberov
Hi Nicholas,

Чт 29 апр 2021 @ 13:54 Nicholas D Steeves :

> Antoine Beaupré  writes:
>> That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
>> came up with this minimal reproducer:
>> (when (require 'package nil t)
>>   (setq-default
>>load-prefer-newer t
>>package-enable-at-startup nil)
>>   (package-initialize)
> I wonder if this "(package-initialize)" line, while using Emacs >= 27 is
> exposing a bug in lsp-mode?  Since Emacs 27 now automatically runs
> package-initialize in between the new early-init.el and the classic
> .emacs.el/init.el/etc, maybe lsp-mode has an autoload cookie that gets
> evaluated twice, leading to the broken state of the lsp sentinel?
> Alternatively, maybe lsp-mode now assumes we live in a post-Emacs 27
> world where all users have already dropped package-initialize from their
> configs?
> These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
> package-enable-at-startup can be set:
> If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
> (but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
> wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.
> I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
> package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
> package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
> If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
> the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more
> defensive.

That's interesting! Thanks for your input. I've tried Antoine's minimal
configuration and can confirm that commenting out (package-initialize)
resolves the problem. So, it really means that lsp-mode has an autoload
cookie which when evaluated twice causes the bug.

But now I wonder to which package should we assign the bug report,
lsp-mode, emacs, some other package?..


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-29 Thread Nicholas D Steeves
Antoine Beaupré  writes:
> On 2021-04-29 13:54:05, Nicholas D. Steeves wrote:
>> These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
>> package-enable-at-startup can be set:
>> If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
>> (but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
>> wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.
>> I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
>> package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
>> package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
>> If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
>> the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more
>> defensive.
> So what you're saying is that in Emacs >= 27, I don't need the
> package-initialize anymore and that will fix my bug?

Yup, you don't need to manually call package-initialize anymore; also,
please see the note about package-enable-at-startup, because that
variable "must" now be set in the new early-init.el.  AFAICT These easy
config changes are normal major version migration stuff, but I'm not
sure if they'll be enough to solve your bug.  Definitely worth a shot


Description: PGP signature

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-29 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-29 13:54:05, Nicholas D. Steeves wrote:
> Hi Antoine and Lev!
> Antoine Beaupré  writes:
>> That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
>> came up with this minimal reproducer:
>> (when (require 'package nil t)
>>   (setq-default
>>load-prefer-newer t
>>package-enable-at-startup nil)
>>   (package-initialize)
> I wonder if this "(package-initialize)" line, while using Emacs >= 27 is
> exposing a bug in lsp-mode?  Since Emacs 27 now automatically runs
> package-initialize in between the new early-init.el and the classic
> .emacs.el/init.el/etc, maybe lsp-mode has an autoload cookie that gets
> evaluated twice, leading to the broken state of the lsp sentinel?
> Alternatively, maybe lsp-mode now assumes we live in a post-Emacs 27
> world where all users have already dropped package-initialize from their
> configs?
> These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
> package-enable-at-startup can be set:
> If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
> (but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
> wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.
> I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
> package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
> package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
> If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
> the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more
> defensive.

So what you're saying is that in Emacs >= 27, I don't need the
package-initialize anymore and that will fix my bug?

Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and
it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human
beings. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act
of justice. - Nelson Mandela

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-29 Thread Nicholas D Steeves
Hi Antoine and Lev!

Antoine Beaupré  writes:

> That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
> came up with this minimal reproducer:
> (when (require 'package nil t)
>   (setq-default
>load-prefer-newer t
>package-enable-at-startup nil)
>   (package-initialize)

I wonder if this "(package-initialize)" line, while using Emacs >= 27 is
exposing a bug in lsp-mode?  Since Emacs 27 now automatically runs
package-initialize in between the new early-init.el and the classic
.emacs.el/init.el/etc, maybe lsp-mode has an autoload cookie that gets
evaluated twice, leading to the broken state of the lsp sentinel?
Alternatively, maybe lsp-mode now assumes we live in a post-Emacs 27
world where all users have already dropped package-initialize from their

These Emacs >= 27 changes also affect the point in emacs init where
package-enable-at-startup can be set:

If non-nil, packages are made available before reading the init file
(but after reading the early init file).  This means that if you
wish to set this variable, you must do so in the early init file.

I think this bug is still valid and actionable even if removing
package-initialize from the minimum reproducer, and/or after moving
package-enable-at-startup to early-init.el makes the bug unreproducible.
If nothing else, it seems like our src:emacs might need a NEWS entry on
the topic, but that said, my suspicion is that lsp-mode could be more


Description: PGP signature

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Lev Lamberov
Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 14:30 Antoine Beaupré :

> On 2021-04-28 23:07:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
>> Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 11:44 Antoine Beaupré :
>>> On 2021-04-28 20:34:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
 It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
 [elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
 .emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.

 [elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter
>>> Actually, do you know how I would use bug-hunter and esup together? It
>>> seems they *both* start a separate emacs process to debug the startup,
>>> and thus would be in conflict with each other...
>> Guess, you may start Emacs as usual, then edit your configuration to run
>> esup (that is, run it as a last line of your config), and then run
>> bug-hunter. Probably, it will work. Or not. At least, it's worth a try.
> That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
> came up with this minimal reproducer:
> (when (require 'package nil t)
>   (setq-default
>load-prefer-newer t
>package-enable-at-startup nil)
>   (package-initialize)
>   (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/;)
> ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/;)))
>   ;; in elpa-use-package debian package since stretch
>   (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
> (package-refresh-contents)
> (package-install 'use-package)))
> (eval-when-compile
>   (require 'use-package)
>   (setq-default
>use-package-always-defer nil
>use-package-always-ensure t))
> (use-package lsp-mode
>   :commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
>   :demand t
>   ;;:init
>   ;;(setq lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l")
>   ;; TODO: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/performance/
>   ;; also note re "native compilation": <+varemara> it's the
>   ;; difference between lsp-mode being usable or not, for me
>   :config
>   (setq lsp-auto-configure t))
> It could probably be trimmed down more, and i suspect the 'lsp-mode' bit
> is a red-herring: any package would probably trigger it.

I installed elpa-lsp-mode and tried the config you provided and I can
confirm the bug. In *Messages* I can see the following:

esup process started on port 44801
at 1
error in process sentinel: slot-value: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object 
class), nil, obj
error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, 

But when I tried with other packages (both one by one and together) I
cannot reproduce the bug. That is, I commented out lsp-mode part of your
config and tried, then tried with several other packages (namely,
ansi-color, eyebrowse, anzu, beacon, and undo-tree). I cannot reproduce
the bug with any of the mentioned packages neither when I use just one
of them instead of lsp-mode, nor any set of these packages instead of
lsp-mode. And I tried to remove my custom.el and started with sane
configuration of GNU Emacs.


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-28 23:07:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 11:44 Antoine Beaupré :
>> On 2021-04-28 20:34:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
>>> It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
>>> [elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
>>> .emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.
>>> [elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter
>> Actually, do you know how I would use bug-hunter and esup together? It
>> seems they *both* start a separate emacs process to debug the startup,
>> and thus would be in conflict with each other...
> Guess, you may start Emacs as usual, then edit your configuration to run
> esup (that is, run it as a last line of your config), and then run
> bug-hunter. Probably, it will work. Or not. At least, it's worth a try.

That didn't work, but I manually bisected my .emacs.d/init.el file and
came up with this minimal reproducer:

(when (require 'package nil t)
   load-prefer-newer t
   package-enable-at-startup nil)
  (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/;)
  ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/;)))
  ;; in elpa-use-package debian package since stretch
  (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package)))

  (require 'use-package)
   use-package-always-defer nil
   use-package-always-ensure t))

(use-package lsp-mode
  :commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
  :demand t
  ;;(setq lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l")
  ;; TODO: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/performance/
  ;; also note re "native compilation": <+varemara> it's the
  ;; difference between lsp-mode being usable or not, for me
  (setq lsp-auto-configure t))

It could probably be trimmed down more, and i suspect the 'lsp-mode' bit
is a red-herring: any package would probably trigger it.


Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all
the time might start to think.
- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Lev Lamberov
Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 11:44 Antoine Beaupré :

> On 2021-04-28 20:34:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
>> It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
>> [elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
>> .emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.
>> [elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter
> Actually, do you know how I would use bug-hunter and esup together? It
> seems they *both* start a separate emacs process to debug the startup,
> and thus would be in conflict with each other...

Guess, you may start Emacs as usual, then edit your configuration to run
esup (that is, run it as a last line of your config), and then run
bug-hunter. Probably, it will work. Or not. At least, it's worth a try.


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-28 20:34:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
> [elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
> .emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.
> [elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter

Actually, do you know how I would use bug-hunter and esup together? It
seems they *both* start a separate emacs process to debug the startup,
and thus would be in conflict with each other...


There has been only one Christian.
They caught him and crucified him -- early.
- Mark Twain

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Antoine Beaupré
On 2021-04-28 20:34:26, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 08:50 Antoine Beaupré :
>> Control: severity -1 normal
>> On 2021-04-28 09:00:46, Lev Lamberov wrote:
>>> Hi Antoine,
>>> Вт 27 апр 2021 @ 13:53 Antoine Beaupre :
>>> I have elpa-esup installed for a long time and I cannot reproduce the
>>> bug on my machine. Running esup starts another GNU Emacs session and
>>> gives me a proper report on startup like the following excerpt:
>> Oh interesting! Maybe that's why it works, since the bytecode is older?
> Well, each update of GNU Emacs and at least sometimes updates of dh-elpa
> trigger recompilation of all installed packages. On my machine file
> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/esup-0.7.1/esup.elc starts with
> ```
> ;ELC^W^@^@^@
> ;;; Compiled
> ;;; in Emacs version 27.1
> ;;; with all optimizations.
> ```
> That is, it was recompiled at least with installation of GNU Emacs 27.1,
> which was first uploaded to unstable on 2020-10-24, but I still remember
> that there were more recompilation of all installed packages recently
> (probably, even on 2021-04-07 when Emacs 1:27.1+1-3.1 entered testing).

Mine says the same.


>>> So, may it be a bug in dh-elpa or GNU Emacs itself?
>> Maybe! This is way beyond my elisp-fu unfortunately.
>> One key information I have just discovered is that I can't reproduce
>> with `emacs -q`. So this is probably an interaction with my .emacs.d
>> configuration and the package, unfortunately. Downgrading severity.
> It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
> [elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
> .emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.
> [elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter

Thanks, I'll try that next.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
stupidity, but don't rule out malice.
 - Albert Einstein

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Lev Lamberov
Ср 28 апр 2021 @ 08:50 Antoine Beaupré :

> Control: severity -1 normal
> On 2021-04-28 09:00:46, Lev Lamberov wrote:
>> Hi Antoine,
>> Вт 27 апр 2021 @ 13:53 Antoine Beaupre :
>> I have elpa-esup installed for a long time and I cannot reproduce the
>> bug on my machine. Running esup starts another GNU Emacs session and
>> gives me a proper report on startup like the following excerpt:
> Oh interesting! Maybe that's why it works, since the bytecode is older?

Well, each update of GNU Emacs and at least sometimes updates of dh-elpa
trigger recompilation of all installed packages. On my machine file
/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/esup-0.7.1/esup.elc starts with

;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 27.1
;;; with all optimizations.

That is, it was recompiled at least with installation of GNU Emacs 27.1,
which was first uploaded to unstable on 2020-10-24, but I still remember
that there were more recompilation of all installed packages recently
(probably, even on 2021-04-07 when Emacs 1:27.1+1-3.1 entered testing).

>> ```
>> Total User Startup Time: 0.357sec Total Number of GC Pauses: 3 Total 
>> GC Time: 0.065sec
>> package.elc:16  0.134sec   37%
>> (byte-code "\301\302!\210\301\303!\210 [...]
>> ```
>> I wonder how recompiling could fix the problem you face, since
>> installing/reinstalling the package or GNU Emacs itself should trigger
>> recompilation of it along with all other installed Emacs packages.
> Yeah, as I said I haven't tried to recompile myself, that's just what
> the upstream bug report says. If anything, maybe it's the opposite and
> if *you* recompile you'll trigger the bug? No idea.

I've tried to reinstall elpa-esup, which caused recompilation and still
I cannot reproduce your bug both with my config and with emacs -q.

>> So, may it be a bug in dh-elpa or GNU Emacs itself?
> Maybe! This is way beyond my elisp-fu unfortunately.
> One key information I have just discovered is that I can't reproduce
> with `emacs -q`. So this is probably an interaction with my .emacs.d
> configuration and the package, unfortunately. Downgrading severity.

It makes it a bit trickier. There another package, elpa-bug-hunter
[elpa-bug-hunter], which automatically debug and bisect your init.el or
.emacs file. It may be worth t try it with your config.

[elpa-bug-hunter] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/elisp-bug-hunter


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-28 Thread Antoine Beaupré
Control: severity -1 normal

On 2021-04-28 09:00:46, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> Вт 27 апр 2021 @ 13:53 Antoine Beaupre :
>> Package: elpa-esup
>> Version: 0.7.1-3
>> Severity: grave
>> Tags: upstream
>> This package is unusable in Debian 11 bullseye in its current
>> state. In my Emacs 1:27.1+1-3.1 session, i run M-x esup and I get:
>> error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), 
>> nil, obj
>> *Messages* has this:
>> Loading /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/esup-0.7.1/esup-autoloads.el 
>> (source)...done
>> Starting esup...
>> esup process started on port 37851
>> at 1
>> error in process sentinel: slot-value: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object 
>> class), nil, obj
>> error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), 
>> nil, obj
>> This is the upstream bug: https://github.com/jschaf/esup/issues/85
>> It looks like it is a packaging issue, since, according to the above
>> bug report, recompiling the .el files fixes the problem (haven't tested).
> Thanks for reporting, investigating and forwarding!
> Is it a fresh install of elpa-esup?

Yes, installed from the Debian package in Bullseye.

> I have elpa-esup installed for a long time and I cannot reproduce the
> bug on my machine. Running esup starts another GNU Emacs session and
> gives me a proper report on startup like the following excerpt:

Oh interesting! Maybe that's why it works, since the bytecode is older?

> ```
> Total User Startup Time: 0.357sec Total Number of GC Pauses: 3 Total 
> GC Time: 0.065sec
> package.elc:16  0.134sec   37%
> (byte-code "\301\302!\210\301\303!\210 [...]
> ```
> I wonder how recompiling could fix the problem you face, since
> installing/reinstalling the package or GNU Emacs itself should trigger
> recompilation of it along with all other installed Emacs packages.

Yeah, as I said I haven't tried to recompile myself, that's just what
the upstream bug report says. If anything, maybe it's the opposite and
if *you* recompile you'll trigger the bug? No idea.


> So, may it be a bug in dh-elpa or GNU Emacs itself?

Maybe! This is way beyond my elisp-fu unfortunately.

One key information I have just discovered is that I can't reproduce
with `emacs -q`. So this is probably an interaction with my .emacs.d
configuration and the package, unfortunately. Downgrading severity.


While the creative works from the 16th century can still be accessed
and used by others, the data in some software programs from the 1990s
is already inaccessible.
 - Lawrence Lessig

Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-27 Thread Lev Lamberov
Hi Antoine,

Вт 27 апр 2021 @ 13:53 Antoine Beaupre :

> Package: elpa-esup
> Version: 0.7.1-3
> Severity: grave
> Tags: upstream
> This package is unusable in Debian 11 bullseye in its current
> state. In my Emacs 1:27.1+1-3.1 session, i run M-x esup and I get:
> error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, 
> obj
> *Messages* has this:
> Loading /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/esup-0.7.1/esup-autoloads.el 
> (source)...done
> Starting esup...
> esup process started on port 37851
> at 1
> error in process sentinel: slot-value: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object 
> class), nil, obj
> error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, 
> obj
> This is the upstream bug: https://github.com/jschaf/esup/issues/85
> It looks like it is a packaging issue, since, according to the above
> bug report, recompiling the .el files fixes the problem (haven't tested).

Thanks for reporting, investigating and forwarding!

Is it a fresh install of elpa-esup?

I have elpa-esup installed for a long time and I cannot reproduce the
bug on my machine. Running esup starts another GNU Emacs session and
gives me a proper report on startup like the following excerpt:

Total User Startup Time: 0.357sec Total Number of GC Pauses: 3 Total GC 
Time: 0.065sec

package.elc:16  0.134sec   37%
(byte-code "\301\302!\210\301\303!\210 [...]

I wonder how recompiling could fix the problem you face, since
installing/reinstalling the package or GNU Emacs itself should trigger
recompilation of it along with all other installed Emacs packages.

The package does not contain any pre-compiled files:

$ apt-file show elpa-esup
elpa-esup: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/elpa-esup
elpa-esup: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/elpa-esup
elpa-esup: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/elpa-esup
elpa-esup: /usr/share/doc/elpa-esup/README.md
elpa-esup: /usr/share/doc/elpa-esup/changelog.Debian.gz
elpa-esup: /usr/share/doc/elpa-esup/copyright
elpa-esup: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src/esup-0.7.1/esup-autoloads.el
elpa-esup: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src/esup-0.7.1/esup-child.el
elpa-esup: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src/esup-0.7.1/esup-pkg.el
elpa-esup: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src/esup-0.7.1/esup.el

So, may it be a bug in dh-elpa or GNU Emacs itself?


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-27 Thread Lev Lamberov
By the way here is the relevant output from *Message* on my machine:

Starting esup...
esup process started on port 45217
at 1
esup finished


Bug#987683: crashes with "Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, obj"

2021-04-27 Thread Antoine Beaupre
Package: elpa-esup
Version: 0.7.1-3
Severity: grave
Tags: upstream

This package is unusable in Debian 11 bullseye in its current
state. In my Emacs 1:27.1+1-3.1 session, i run M-x esup and I get:

error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, 

*Messages* has this:

Loading /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/esup-0.7.1/esup-autoloads.el 
Starting esup...
esup process started on port 37851
at 1
error in process sentinel: slot-value: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object 
class), nil, obj
error in process sentinel: Wrong type argument: (or eieio-object class), nil, 

This is the upstream bug: https://github.com/jschaf/esup/issues/85

It looks like it is a packaging issue, since, according to the above
bug report, recompiling the .el files fixes the problem (haven't tested).

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 11.0
  APT prefers testing-security
  APT policy: (500, 'testing-security'), (500, 'testing-debug'), (500, 
'testing'), (1, 'unstable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 5.10.0-6-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU threads)
Locale: LANG=fr_CA.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_CA.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages elpa-esup depends on:
ii  dh-elpa-helper  2.0.8
ii  emacsen-common  3.0.4

Versions of packages elpa-esup recommends:
ii  emacs  1:27.1+1-3.1
ii  emacs-gtk [emacs]  1:27.1+1-3.1

elpa-esup suggests no packages.

-- debconf-show failed