control: clone -1 -2
control: retitle -2 mis-merge in patches prevents reading /lib/security
control: reassign -2 pam
control: found -2 1.4.0-1
control: severity -2 important
control: severity -1 serious

Steve said that it was not an intentional change to prevent finding pam
modules in /lib/security.  Steve also points out that /lib/security may
be used by software not in Debian.

The cloned bug will track reintroducing the feature based on Hideki's
I still believe there is a (probably RC) bug in PAM modules that don't
use multiarch paths.
In particular, if the user installs any application that edpends on PAM
and is not of the native architeture, things will break if there are
modules in /lib/security.
So, libpam-yubico and other PAM modules still need to get fixed, but we
will work to fix the regression in PAM too.

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