Package: python3-coverage
Version: 5.1+dfsg.1-2+b2
Severity: normal


I tried to generate a HTML coverage report in a CI script that does
    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y python3-coverage  [...]

However, it failed with

    # /usr/bin/python3 -m coverage html --omit="test-*.py," 
    Couldn't find static file 'jquery.min.js' from 
'/builds/cboltz/apparmor/utils/test', tried: 

After some searching, I found out that I need to install some 
additional packages:
    libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-throttle-debounce libjs-jquery-isonscreen 

They are already listed under "Recommends:", but since the coverage
module is not very useful if it can't generate html reports, please list
them under "Depends:" instead of "Recommends:".


Christian Boltz
As long as there are Steam games where updates are at least as big as
the openSUSE first-time installation, I feel no regrets :-)
[Jan Engelhardt in opensuse-factory]

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