Package: 0ad-data
Version: 0.0.24b-1
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

Version 0.0.25 of 0ad-data was released.

I have attached a patch relative to version 0.0.24b-1. When combined with the upstream source for 0ad-data 0.0.25, it allows one to build a Debian package of 0ad-data version 0.0.25.

The attached script shows the commands and/or helps automate the process of testing this patch.

Dave Kennedy
diff -ur 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1/debian/changelog 0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1/debian/changelog
--- 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1/debian/changelog	2021-03-07 03:27:19.000000000 -0600
+++ 0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1/debian/changelog	2021-08-16 15:01:02.774419655 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+0ad-data (0.0.25-1.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * New upstream release. 
+ -- David W. Kennedy <dave_k AT reasoned DOT us>  Mon, 16 Aug 2021 15:00:09 -0500
 0ad-data (0.0.24b-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.

echo "This script assumes that you have already run the following commands as root:"
echo " apt-get update"
echo " apt-get install build-essential pbuilder wget locales fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-texgyre fonts-dejavu-core"
echo " dpkg-reconfigure locales"
#echo " # On Debian bullseye (current stable) or sid (unstable), run the following"
#echo " #  additional commands as root in order to install the build dependencies that"
#echo " #  are specific to 0ad version 0.0.25:"
#echo " apt-get install cargo cmake libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libfmt-dev libgloox-dev libicu-dev libminiupnpc-dev libnspr4-dev libogg-dev libopenal-dev libpng-dev libreadline-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev libvorbis-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libxcursor-dev libxml2-dev llvm pkg-config rustc zlib1g-dev"
echo ""

if [ \! -r 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1_to_0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1.diff ] ; then
	echo "Please ensure that 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1_to_0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1.diff  is in the current working directory."

mkdir -p 0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1_build
cd 0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1_build
mv 0ad-0.0.25-alpha-unix-data.tar.xz 0ad-data_0.0.25.orig.tar.xz
mkdir 0ad-data-0.0.25

if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
	echo "Directory 0ad-data-0.0.25 already exists. Remove and try again?"

echo "Extracting the 0ad-data upstream tarball. This may take several minutes."
tar --strip-components 1 -Jxkf 0ad-data_0.0.25.orig.tar.xz -C 0ad-data-0.0.25
echo "Done extracting."

mkdir 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1
tar -Jxkf 0ad-data_0.0.24b-1.debian.tar.xz -C 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1
cp -a 0ad-data-0.0.24b-1/debian 0ad-data-0.0.25

cd 0ad-data-0.0.25
patch -p1 < ../../0ad-data-0.0.24b-1_to_0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1.diff 
tar -Jcf ../0ad-data_0.0.25-1.1.debian.tar.xz debian
echo ""
echo "Now run the following commands:"
echo " cd 0ad-data-0.0.25-1.1_build/0ad-data-0.0.25"
echo " dpkg-checkbuilddeps"
echo " # (install any remaining unmet build dependencies as root)"
echo " # then run the following commands:"
echo " debuild"
echo " cd .."
echo " # then run this command as root"
echo " apt install ./0ad-data_0.0.25-1.1_all.deb ./0ad-data-common_0.0.25-1.1_all.deb"

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