Package: pacemaker
Version: 2.0.5-2
Severity: important
Tags: patch upstream fixed-upstream


This release up to 2.1 spams the log file with:

  Set r/w permissions for uid=105, gid=110 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log

due to a bogus check in the code. This has been fixed already, in the
above mentioned commit, and it will disappear from testing/sid once a
new upstream release gets packaged, but I'd appreciate if this could
be fixed in stable too, as the workarounds to try to silence this are a
bit brittle. :/

What I have done to silence this has been to, set:

  ,-- /etc/default/pacemaker ---

to disable the involved code, but that then means the files get created
with the wrong permissions (due to the forced umask), which was the next
thing I tried via an UMask directive in the systemd service file, which
was obviously not effective. So to fix that, I had to add:

  ,--- /etc/logrotate.d/pacemaker ---
      find /var/log/pacemaker/ -type f -name '*.log' -exec chmod 0660 '{}' \;

which is not ideal.


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