Source: opensurgsim
Version: 0.6.0-6
Severity: serious

The following tests FAILED:
          1 - SurgSimBlocksTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          2 - SurgSimCollisionTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          3 - SurgSimDataStructuresTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          4 - SurgSimDeviceFiltersTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          5 - IdentityPoseDeviceTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          8 - SurgSimFrameworkTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          9 - SurgSimGraphicsTest (OTHER_FAULT)
         11 - SurgSimMathTest (OTHER_FAULT)
         12 - SurgSimPhysicsTest (OTHER_FAULT)
Errors while running CTest

I am sendind 3 separate bugs since the test failures on different
architectures look quite different and might be unrelated.

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