Bug#793770: Cookie parsing bug may lead to 'HttpOnly' cookie bypass (CVE-2015-2156)

2017-01-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ersion. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#850700: sid/stretch version depends on servlet-api-2.5.jar

2017-01-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Hi Chris, Thank you for spotting this issue. The Servlet API shouldn't be listed in the Class-Path attribute since this dependency is provided by the Servlet container. Why do you think this is a serious issue? How does this affect your application? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#849931: jackson-module-afterburner: FTBFS (Missing dependency)

2017-01-06 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ies with jackson-* >= 2.8 Let's just remove the package. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#848389: derby: Fails to build from source

2016-12-17 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 18/12/2016 à 02:18, tony mancill a écrit : > If someone else on the Java Team could give it a once over, I'd appreciate it. Hi Tony, Thank you for the fix, it looks good to me. There won't be links for the Java EE APIs though, but that's not important. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845393: Pending fixes for bugs in the tomcat8 package

2016-12-08 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
for /etc/tomcat8/Catalina. I didn't to keep the stable update minimal. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845393: Pending fixes for bugs in the tomcat8 package

2016-12-02 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
these owned by group tomcat8, could > they be left as root:root and world-accessible? Good question, I tend to agree. That's probably the next step, this is being discussed in #833257. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845393: Pending fixes for bugs in the tomcat8 package

2016-12-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
link and not a file. I know these packages are broken/outdated, but they are the only examples of how web applications are supposed to be packaged in Debian. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845393: Pending fixes for bugs in the tomcat8 package

2016-12-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
p-writable. This is worth trying. The catch is that other packages also install files into /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost, so they all have to set the permissions properly. I'll probably go down this path if someone has a good argument supporting the use of copyXML=true. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845393: Pending fixes for bugs in the tomcat8 package

2016-12-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
xes the issue you reported. https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/tomcat8.git/commit/?id=02570d6 The script still chmods the Catalina directory but this one can't be replaced by a symlink. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845385: Privilege escalation via removal

2016-11-30 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
root:root? That would be less disruptive for the stable and oldstable updates than removing /etc/tomcat8 completely. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845385: Privilege escalation via removal

2016-11-30 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
oves the webapp configuration the administrator is going to be angry (but arguably less than having his system hacked). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845385: Privilege escalation via removal

2016-11-30 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
tomcat{7,8,9} package that would be easier. This would be similar to the jetty8 and jetty9 packages sharing the same 'jetty' user (but in this case the user is also removed when the package is uninstalled, this is problematic when the old package is removed after the new one is installed). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845385: Privilege escalation via removal

2016-11-29 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
rmissions for all users and setgid root after the purge. Any local user can then take control of the system. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#845385: Privilege escalation via removal

2016-11-22 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
something like "chmod -R 640 /etc/tomcat8" right before the chown is an appropriate solution to this issue? Emmanuel Bourg [1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/tomcat6.git/commit/?id=f67781f

Bug#803713: Elasticsearch should not be part of a Debian release

2016-11-19 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Hi Hilko, Do you think elasticsearch should be removed from unstable? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#829078: Any word?

2016-11-18 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
prime time yet and will probably not be part of the Stretch release. Emmanuel Bourg [1] https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch

Bug#838897: jitsi: Replace the glassfish dependencies

2016-11-16 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ome back to > Debian in a clean fashion. Jitsi isn't a problem, don't worry. If you need any help with the Java dependencies used by Jitsi feel free to ping the Java Team and we'll be happy to give a hand. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#844362: jasperreports: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:jar:6.2.2: The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple

2016-11-16 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
This issue was actually caused by libspring-java/4.3.4-1, see #844428 for more info. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#844428: libspring-java: Invalid optional dependencies in the Maven POMs

2016-11-15 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
are causing the FTBFS (this was also seen in other rdeps of libspring-java, and there are probably more to come). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#844021: libnative-platform-java 0.11-4 is not compatible with programs built with 0.10*

2016-11-13 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 13/11/2016 à 20:49, Vincent Danjean a écrit : > Emmanuel: do you think that gradle 3.1 can be uploaded? I'll try to upload it today. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#844021: libnative-platform-java 0.11-4 is not compatible with programs built with 0.10*

2016-11-11 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you for the report Vincent. libnative-platform-java/0.11 should probably declare that it breaks gradle (<< 3.1~). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#842721: jayway-jsonpath: FTBFS (Could not resolve all dependencies)

2016-11-07 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
radle-debian-helper? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#808485: eclipse-pydev: FTBFS: Missing required plug-in org.python_0.0.0.

2016-11-07 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
resolving the python dependency. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#837489: Only a binNMU is required

2016-10-25 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
antlr" > and call it good). Hi Tony, I think I fixed the issue with the migration script, the authors file was missing an entry for the root user. Could you give it another try? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#837021: openjfx: FTBFS: PosixPlatform.cpp:235:10: error: 'wait' was not declared in this scope

2016-10-25 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: tags -1 + help I took a look at this issue, most of the errors can be fixed by adding the -std=gnu++98 flag when building the fxpackager module (by patching the LINUX.launcherlibrary.ccFlags line in the buildSrc/linux.gradle file). There is one error left though:

Bug#840827: lucene-solr: FTBFS (failing tests, no route to host)

2016-10-24 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
the one from the machine building the package, or another machine on your network? Is it possible that the tests hit a TCP connection limit on the host? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#787552: [eclipse-wtp][FTBFS][LICENSE Problem] Multiple distribution problem

2016-10-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |?...| 9f50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 || * a000 Maybe these files are just stubs used by the compiler to create real resources files? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#841362: activemq-protobuf: FTBFS (Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved)

2016-10-19 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 20/10/2016 à 00:06, Santiago Vila a écrit : > You are absolutely right. Sorry for the duplicates. No need to be sorry. Your reports and the reproducible build notifications help us greatly to detect and fix the build issues quickly, thanks a lot for your time. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#832838: eclipse-xsd: FTBFS: Duplicate methods named spliterator with the parameters () and () are inherited from the types List and Collection

2016-10-19 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: notfound -1 2.9.0-1 Control: close -1 This issue was a side effect of #757536. It went away with the upload of eclipse/3.8.1-9

Bug#841362: activemq-protobuf: FTBFS (Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved)

2016-10-19 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
plugin openjpa wagon Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#831153: Fix for the openjdk-8-jre-dcevm FTBFS

2016-10-18 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you very much for the patch Adrian, I confirm it works. I'll upload a new version soon. What is the recommended way to depend on GCC? Should the package depend on g++ (>= 4:6), or should it depend on gcc-6 with a build adjusted to use it? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#839847: Bug#839896: groovy.util.AntBuilder.class missing from /usr/share/groovy/embeddable/groovy-all-2.4.7.jar

2016-10-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
I haven't figured out the root cause of this issue but I've modified the groovy package such that its build fails when AntBuilder is missing from groovy-all.jar. That will allow me to upload a working package, but I expect the build to be unstable with a 50% success rate. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#839847: Bug#839896: groovy.util.AntBuilder.class missing from /usr/share/groovy/embeddable/groovy-all-2.4.7.jar

2016-10-06 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ded the version 2.4.7-2. The bugs such as 839847 can be reassigned to groovy and merged into this one. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#839567: rake does not work with jruby

2016-10-03 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
What is the expected contract for a package providing ruby-interpreter? Do it just have to offer a /usr/bin/ruby alternative? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#839362: assertj-core: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependency cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:3.x

2016-10-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
not access central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the artifact cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:3.x has not been downloaded from it before. -> [Help 1] This means that a dependency can't be resolved (here cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:3.x which is currently subject to a transitio

Bug#831153: openjdk-8-jre-dcevm: FTBFS with GCC 6: os.hpp:28:30: fatal error: jvmtifiles/jvmti.h: No such file or directory

2016-09-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
The error "jvmtifiles/jvmti.h: No such file or directory" isn't the cause of the build failure. This error has been fixed upstream (see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152067) and it can be avoided by setting the USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADER=0 environment variable. The fatal errors are the

Bug#834671: libxalan2-java: FTBFS in testing (Error: could not match input)

2016-08-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
e issue. I modified the cup package to enable the legacydot option during the build and it solved the libxalan2-java FTBFS. I plan to upload the fixed cup package soon. Emmanuel Bourg [1] http://jflex.de/changelog.html [2] https://sources.debian.net/src/cup/0.11a%2B20060608-7/flex/Lexer.jflex/#L103

Bug#821181: jruby: FTBFS due to PsychParser class error

2016-08-10 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
s a bit reluctant to upgrade again bnd and maven-bundle-plugin for stretch but we have a good reason to do it now. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#833515: alter-sequence-alignment: FTBFS: failed to create task or type foreach

2016-08-08 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
lib used to hide the mistake. I'm going to fix ant-contrib, sorry for the trouble. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#832842: findbugs: FTBFS: [javac] /«PKGBUILDDIR»/src/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/StackMapAnalyzer.java:39: error: cannot find symbol

2016-07-29 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
This is caused by the BCEL 6.0 update, I'll look into it.

Bug#832868: mina2: FTBFS: Plugin org.apache.xbean:maven-xbean-plugin:4.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

2016-07-29 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
This looks like an xbean bug. maven-xbean-plugin has an optional dependency on Ant so the libxbean-java package doesn't have to depend on ant, but the XBeanMojo class does use BuildException from Ant to report errors [1]. It should use a MojoExecutionException from Maven instead, or the Ant

Bug#832856: cronometer: FTBFS: dpkg-gencontrol: error: error occurred while parsing Depends field: default-jre | java8-runtime , jarwrapper (>=0.5), , $, {source, :Version, }, ), , (, >, =, cronometer

2016-07-29 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
), , (, >, =, cronometer, libjcommon-java, libjfreechart-java, >> libswingx-java, , Hi Lucas, You caught this one quickly but this is already fixed in javahelper/0.58 :), no need to report more occurrences. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#831733: tomcat6: Don't include in Stretch

2016-07-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
resteasy has been updated and I triaged the remaining tomcat6 bugs. I think we can proceed with the removal now.

Bug#831993: libcommons-codec-java: accesses the internet during build

2016-07-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
rds-Version field could be deprecated (and considering the time we spend bumping the value of this field twice a year for ~500 packages actively maintained by the Java team, such a simplification would be welcome). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#831993: libcommons-codec-java: accesses the internet during build

2016-07-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
-java currently declares a compliance to the version 3.9.6 of the policy. Does it mean the new rule doesn't apply to it yet? :) Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#831993: libcommons-codec-java: accesses the internet during build

2016-07-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
y issue induced though, because this means the package generated will be different when built with or without network access. libcommons-codec-java is still built with Ant. Switching to maven-debian-helper should fix this issue. Emmanuel Bourg [1] https://sources.debian.net/src/libcommons-codec

Bug#831733: tomcat6: Don't include in Stretch

2016-07-19 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
e web server implementation known as TJWS based on the Servlet API 2.5. It's used for exposing REST services. Fortunately it is being deprecated upstream and we don't really need it in Debian. I prepared an update removing it but it requires jaxrs-api which is currently in the NEW queue. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#831403: xmlgraphics-commons: FTBFS: Could not initialize class org.mockito.Mockito

2016-07-15 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign -1 mockito 1.10.19-1 Control: affects -1 xmlgraphics-commons On 07/15/2016 06:24 PM, Chris Lamb wrote: > [junit] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: > net.sf.cglib.proxy.Callback > [junit] at >

Bug#757536: eclipse: FTBFS with Java 8: Duplicate methods named spliterator with the parameters () and ()

2016-07-14 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 14/07/2016 à 12:24, Hector Oron a écrit : > In a recent build in a porterbox this packages still fails to build from > sources. Yes a new version of eclipse is required to solve this issue. Luca Vercelli is working on it.

Bug#829388: oscache: FTBFS: the artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.x has not been downloaded

2016-07-07 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 3/07/2016 à 00:38, Daniel Schepler a écrit : > [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project oscache: Could not resolve > dependencies for project opensymphony:oscache:jar:2.4.1: Cannot access > central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the > artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.x

Bug#829103: plexus-compiler: FTBFS: the artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-metadata:jar:1.5.5 has not been downloaded

2016-06-30 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
lexus:plexus-component-metadata:jar:1.5.5 has > not been downloaded from it before. -> [Help 1] Hi Daniel, I'm unable to reproduce this error with pbuilder. Are you using locally rebuilt packages? Emmanuel bourg

Bug#828093: commons-javaflow: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.commons:commons-javaflow:jar

2016-06-24 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you for the report Chris. Other packages like sisu-guice are affected by the same issue. It seems to be caused by the optional dependency on ant in cglib, but I don't understand why Maven fails to resolve the dependency. It fails even when ant is installed. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#825925: libspring-java: FTBFS: AbstractSpringPreparerFactory.java:39: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

2016-05-31 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 31/05/2016 à 15:04, Chris Lamb a écrit : > libspring-java fails to build from source in unstable/amd64: This is a transient error caused by the upgrade of Spring from 4.0.x to 4.1.x. If you rebuild libspring-java/4.1.9-1 the error should go away. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#825501: CVE-2016-4434

2016-05-27 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you for the notice Moritz. Tika isn't really used in Debian yet, I packaged it as a dependency of Apache JMeter but didn't enable it. I'll fix it in unstable, but I don't think it's worth fixing in Jessie. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#824587: objenesis: Missing parent pom

2016-05-17 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 17/05/2016 à 21:52, Markus Koschany a écrit : > Hmm, they don't ship a parent pom in 2.3 anymore. I will see if I can > simply reuse the old one. The project still has a parent pom though: https://github.com/easymock/objenesis/blob/2.3/pom.xml I suggest using the GitHub tag archive as

Bug#824587: stapler: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.kohsuke.stapler:stapler:jar

2016-05-17 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: retitle -1 objenesis: Missing parent pom Control: reassign -1 objenesis 2.3-1 Control: affects -1 stapler wagon2 Thank you for the report Chris. This error is caused by objenesis/2.3-1, the parent pom is missing in the update. It affects all reverse dependencies using Maven.

Bug#823773: jhighlight: FTBFS: [javadoc] javadoc: error - The -encoding option may be specified no more than once.

2016-05-16 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign -1 ant Control: affects -1 jhighlight This is a bug caused by the patch to make the javadocs reproducible in ant/1.9.7-1. jhighlight sets the javadoc encoding with an extra argument () instead of the 'encoding' attribute of the javadoc task, and the patch doesn't handle this

Bug#793911: groovy2 should not release with stretch

2016-05-02 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign -1 groovy2 Control: retitle -1 groovy2 should not release with stretch Reassigning to groovy2 since groovy has been updated to the latest 2.x release and groovy2 will eventually be removed once the reverse dependencies are transitioned back to the original package.

Bug#822091: libxmlbeans-java: Embeds classes without source

2016-04-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
used in Debian. So the Piccolo parser is indeed used. Piccolo is a rather old parser, I don't think it's worth packaging it. I suggest patching xmlbeans to use the standard JDK parser instead. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#821450: openjfx: FTBFS on arm64

2016-04-18 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you for the report Sebastian. This looks like a bug in javac, this issue should probably be reassigned to the openjdk-8 package.

Bug#821181: jruby: FTBFS due to PsychParser class error

2016-04-16 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ity. What is the other issue you encountered? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#820630: uima-as: FTBFS - artifacts could not be resolved in offline mode

2016-04-10 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you for the report Michael. This should be fixed with libspring-java/4.0.9-3 uploaded yesterday. Could you check with the latest version? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#814177: closed by Markus Koschany <a...@debian.org> (Re: jalview: (Build-)Depends on OpenJDK 7)

2016-04-03 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 3/04/2016 19:59, Mattia Rizzolo a écrit : > Rebuilding it also makes it gains a openjdk-8-jdk dep, go figure... This is a bug in javahelper, we have to address it. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#814168: openjdk-7-jre-dcevm: (Build-)Depends on OpenJDK 7

2016-04-03 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
leases before backporting them. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#819259: Don't include in stretch

2016-03-25 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 25/03/2016 18:07, Moritz Muehlenhoff a écrit : > stretch should only provide one version of Tomcat. I agree, however like tomcat6 we'll keep the src:tomcat7 package to build the Servlet API only (libservlet3.0-java). I plan to do this a couple of months before the freeze. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#808636: Bug#809733: activemq: FTBFS: package org.apache.kahadb.index does not exist

2016-03-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 09/03/2016 18:06, Markus Koschany a écrit : > but they apparently stopped tagging new releases some time ago. I think they migrated the source repository from Subversion to Git, the GitHub mirror has the latest release tags: https://github.com/apache/activemq/releases signature.asc

Bug#813287: avro-java: FTBFS: Plugin com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer-maven-plugin:2.8 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

2016-02-29 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
t have to redefine it to use plexus-utils 2.x instead of 1.1 to fix this class of issues. I'll do that in the next update of maven-debian-helper. Emmanuel Bourg [1] https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/master/maven-core/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/internal/PlexusUtilsInjector.java

Bug#814446: tomcat8: wants to overwrite admin configuration on upgrade

2016-02-25 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: severity -1 important I'm downgrading the severity to important for the following reasons: - this issue has been there for years in the previous tomcat packages - the actual policy violation seems to be debatable - the RC bug prevents the latest version containing security fixes from

Bug#814875: libsis-jhdf5-java: FTBFS: jni.h:45:20: fatal error: jni_md.h: No such file or directory

2016-02-16 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
urrent JDK. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#814679: velocity: Package rebuilt from source is missing most of its dependencies

2016-02-14 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
they accidentally relied on the dependencies pulled by velocity through maven-debian-helper. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#814509: default-java-plugin depends on non-existing icedtea-8-plugin on mips/mipsel

2016-02-12 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
be built for these > architectures. Hi Matthias, I fixed this two days ago in java-common/0.56. The architectures supporting the plugin are now whitelisted in java_defaults.mk. I hope I got this right this time. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#814446: tomcat8: wants to overwrite admin configuration on upgrade

2016-02-12 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
the policy. What behavior would you expect in this situation? Ignoring the update? Merging the changes? (ucf has a --three-way option to allow merging the changes, I don't know if it would help here). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#808593: [Help]: Bug#808593: htsjdk: FTBFS: [testng] FAILED: testHTTPNotExist

2016-02-11 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 11/02/2016 21:01, Andreas Tille a écrit : > any hint why this test that worked before might fail since end of > December? I got a quick look and I can't explain this test failure. It doesn't seem very important though, you could just disable this test. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#811522: proposed RM: jenkins -- RoQA; multiple security issues, FTBFS, unmaintained in Debian

2016-02-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: retitle -1 RM: jenkins -- ROM; multiple security issues, FTBFS, unmaintained in Debian Control: reassign -1 ftp.debian.org Le 19/01/2016 17:11, Ansgar Burchardt a écrit : > I suggest to remove the package from Debian. If there are no > objections, I'll reassign the request to the

Bug#813419: eclipse-egit: FTBFS: generateScript: Some inter-plug-in dependencies have not been satisfied.

2016-02-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
. Any help from an Eclipse expert would be welcome. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#812647: commons-beanutils: FTBFS - Error resolving version for plugin 'org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin' from the repositories

2016-01-25 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Thank you foe the report Michael. This issue has already been reported as #812472. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#811522: proposed RM: jenkins -- RoQA; multiple security issues, FTBFS, unmaintained in Debian

2016-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
ns-task-reactor jenkins-test-annotations jenkins-trilead-ssh2 jenkins-winstone jenkins-xstream maven-hpi-plugin maven-stapler-plugin sezpoz stapler stapler-adjunct-codemirror stapler-adjunct-timeline Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#809567: eclipse-rse: FTBFS: Missing required plug-in org.apache.commons.net_[1.4.1, 4.0.0).

2016-01-15 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign libcommons-net-java 3.4-1 This issue is caused by the latest update of libcommons-net-java. The OSGi metadata were mistakenly dropped in the version 3.4-1. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#808487: eclipse-subclipse: FTBFS: Unsatisfied import package org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter_0.0.0.

2016-01-15 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign -1 svnclientadapter 1.10.3-3 This issue was caused by the bnd 2.1.0 transition on svnclientadapter. The jar in the version 1.10.3-3 no longer contains the Export-Package attribute.

Bug#809566: eclipse-mylyn: FTBFS: Unsatisfied import package javax.mail_0.0.0.

2016-01-15 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
This issue is similar to #808487. It's caused by incomplete OSGi metadata in the axis, wsdl4j and javamail packages.

Bug#804564: doxia: FTBFS: Cannot locate avalon-framework

2016-01-05 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: reassign -1 fop 1:2.0+dfsg-3 Control: severity -1 important doxia-sitetools is affected by the same issue. This was caused by the fop/1:2.0+dfsg-3 upload, its Maven pom has a dependency on avalon-framework:avalon-framework-api but Avalon in Debian is installed as

Bug#809602: javamail: FTBFS: [ERROR] Java heap space -> [Help 1]

2016-01-02 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/issues/724 Control: reassign -1 bnd 2.4.1-1 I confirm this is a bnd issue. This was fixed in bnd 3.0. The fix is trivial I'll backport it.

Bug#809602: javamail: FTBFS: [ERROR] Java heap space -> [Help 1]

2016-01-01 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 1/01/2016 19:15, Chris Lamb a écrit : > javamail fails to build from source in unstable/amd64. This machine > has lots of RAM, so likely something else wrong? Thank you for the report Chris, this looks like another issue with bnd 2.4.

Bug#808619: Bug#808691: jboss-xnio: FTBFS: duplicate class: org.xnio._private.Messages_$logger

2015-12-21 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 21/12/2015 21:59, Markus Koschany a écrit : > At the moment I don't see a way to fix this in jboss-xnio > or undertow though. We can workaround this issue by reverting to the compiler plugin 2.5. Build depending on libmaven-compiler-plugin-2.5-java and adding the following to the pom works

Bug#793911: groovy should not release with stretch

2015-12-11 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 11/12/2015 21:16, Miguel Landaeta a écrit : > To package libspring-java new upstream releases is a task that would > be very appreciated although is not easy but with the recent progress > in Maven and Gradle helpers (thanks to Emmanuel again!) maybe this is > something more feasible nowadays.

Bug#793911: groovy should not release with stretch

2015-12-11 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
by Spring 4.0.x except: - com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:0.9.1 - org.apache.taglibs:taglibs-standard-jstlel:1.2.1 I haven't checked the new dependencies for Spring 4.1 yet. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#807391: libcommons-openpgp-java: FTBFS: BouncyCastleOpenPgpStreamingSignatureVerifier.java:92: error: cannot find symbol [..] sig.initVerify( key, "BC" );

2015-12-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
released. There are no reverse dependencies on this package, we should remove it. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#805985: maven: Maven 3.3.9 breaks Gradle

2015-11-24 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Package: maven Version: 3.3.3-4 Severity: grave Maven 3.3.9 breaks gradle due to a new dependency on commons-lang3. It should transition to testing after gradle/2.7-4

Bug#768709: red5: FTBFS in jessie: build-dependency not installable: libgroboutils-java

2015-11-20 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
control: close -1 libgroboutils-java is now in testing.

Bug#805409: scala: FTBFS without network connexion

2015-11-17 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Hi Martin, If you look closely at the log it "downloads" from /usr/share/maven-repo. It isn't fetching jars from a remote repository but copy them from the local repository. I confirm that scala depends on itself. Did you remove it from the build dependencies? Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#804522: jenkins: Unauthenticated remote code execution 0-day in Jenkins CLI

2015-11-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 09/11/2015 09:26, Moritz Muehlenhoff a écrit : > Indeed, I intended to file a separate bug for those (but I was unsure > whether > jenkins used the system-wide lib as opposed to the released versions from > jenkins upstream) libjenkins-java depends on libcommons-collections3-java, but

Bug#804522: jenkins: Unauthenticated remote code execution 0-day in Jenkins CLI

2015-11-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
affected. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#802356: Latest version (1.8.11) fails to build

2015-11-04 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Le 04/11/2015 16:24, Andreas Tille a écrit : > Any volunteer to upgrade libsequence-library-java to (possibly) fix #802356? done :)

Bug#802405: maven-project-info-reports-plugin: FTBFS: Missing: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-hg:jar:debian

2015-11-02 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
I applied the patch, thank you for the help Hans. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#802671: Tentative patches for version 1.44

2015-10-23 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
an intermediary abstract class. As for testing I face the issue, some help from upstream developers would be welcome. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#779482: severity of 779482 is grave

2015-10-05 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
d, the affected architectures have a combined popcon of 0.3%. I don't think it's fair to push the severity to serious and risk a removal that would affect all the other architectures. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#779482: severity of 779482 is grave

2015-10-05 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
itectures explicitly so the builders can attempt the build and identify the portability issue. For example with openjfx, I initially restricted the build to i386/amd64 but I was later asked to remove the limitation (#765397). Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#796114: CVE-2015-2156

2015-09-12 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
one version around. libnetty-java is going to be updated to the version 4.x. We have to keep two versions of this library because the APIs aren't compatible. The 3.x line is still maintained upstream, so that should be fine for now. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#795851: openjfx: FTBFS with Gradle 2.5

2015-09-10 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
rading openjfx to the version 8u60 but I got another build failure :( Leave me some time to investigate this further. Emmanuel Bourg

Bug#796456: mina2: FTBFS: AprLibrary.java: error: unreported exception Throwable

2015-09-04 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
control: tags -1 pending I'm preparing an update to the version 2.0.9 that will solve this issue.

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