This is caused because portmap (6.0.0-1) is just listening on the IPv4 loopback address:
# netstat -tulpen|grep portmap
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 13538 5248/portmap udp 0 0* 0 13537 5248/portmap

mountd tries to connect to the IPv6 loopback address ::1 (if there is one) and fails.

This can be easily confirmed several ways:

Remove IPv6 loopback interface:
# ifconfig lo inet6 del ::1
and it will start.

Use rpcbind (0.2.0-2) instead of portmap. It will also listen on IPv6 (but, i. e. nis depends on portmap) and mountd will start again.

If you run rpc.mountd with strace, look out for indications like AF_INET6.

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