tags 389392 patch
tags 351028 patch
usertag 389392 supplied-patch
usertag 351028 supplied-patch


I have prepared an NMU which fixes the purging of the package (RC bug)
and some non posix stuff in a couple of scripts. I can not do the upload
myself because I am no DD yet. Interested DD's feel free to upload this.
(Note that the RC bug is not 7 days old yet thought!)

Greetings Arjan

 mixmaster (3.0b2-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * Only call ucf on purge when it is available. The modifications are
     taken from the example script in the ucf documentation. (Closes:
   * Fix bashism in /etc/cron.daily/mixmaster and in
     /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/mixmaster. (Closes: 351028)

diff -u mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/changelog mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/changelog
--- mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/changelog
+++ mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+mixmaster (3.0b2-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Only call ucf on purge when it is available. The modifications are
+    taken from the example script in the ucf documentation. (Closes:
+    #389392) 
+  * Fix bashism in /etc/cron.daily/mixmaster and in
+    /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/mixmaster. (Closes: 351028) 
+ -- Arjan Oosting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:18:26 +0200
 mixmaster (3.0b2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Depend on debconf | debconf-2.0 instead of just debconf (closes: #332027).
diff -u mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.postrm mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.postrm
--- mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.postrm
+++ mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.postrm
@@ -19,10 +19,21 @@
 		dpkg-statoverride --remove /var/run/mixmaster >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
 		dpkg-statoverride --remove $REMAILCONFIGFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+		# we mimic dpkg as closely as possible, so we remove configuration
+		# files with dpkg backup extensions too:
+		for ext in '~' '%' .bak .dpkg-tmp .dpkg-new .dpkg-old .dpkg-dist .ucf-new .ucf-old .ucf-dist; do
+		    rm -f /etc/mixmaster/update.conf$ext
+		    rm -f /etc/mixmaster/network.conf$ext
+		done
 		rm -f /etc/mixmaster/update.conf
 		rm -f /etc/mixmaster/network.conf
-		ucf --purge /etc/mixmaster/update.conf
-		ucf --purge /etc/mixmaster/network.conf
+		if which ucf >/dev/null; then
+		    ucf --purge /etc/mixmaster/update.conf
+		    ucf --purge /etc/mixmaster/network.conf
+		fi
diff -u mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.ppp.ip-up mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.ppp.ip-up
--- mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.ppp.ip-up
+++ mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.ppp.ip-up
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 . /etc/mixmaster/network.conf
-if [ "$NETWORK" = "PPP" -a -x /usr/bin/mixmaster-update ]; then
+if [ "$NETWORK" = "PPP" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/mixmaster-update ]; then
    su mixmaster -c "/usr/bin/mixmaster-update" &
diff -u mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.cron.daily mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.cron.daily
--- mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.cron.daily
+++ mixmaster-3.0b2/debian/mixmaster.cron.daily
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 . /etc/mixmaster/network.conf
-if [ "$NETWORK" = "permanent" -a -x /usr/bin/mixmaster-update ]; then
+if [ "$NETWORK" = "permanent" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/mixmaster-update ]; then
    su mixmaster -c "/usr/bin/mixmaster-update"

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