tags 730437 + moreinfo unreproducible
severity 730437 important

Hi Lucas,

Am 15.12.2013 20:32, schrieb Lucas Nussbaum:
> On 11/12/13 at 11:44 +0100, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well, the problem here is the missing NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
>> service file, I've fix this in the git repository[0].
>> Could you please try to remove the symlink you have created and install
>> this file instead?
>> Thanks,
>> Laurent Bigonville
>> [0]http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-utopia/network-manager.git;a=commitdiff;h=4f5bce36fa1480b213c770fd4cdcbb35bb954b22
> Hi Laurent,
> I'm sorry, the machine where I encountered that problem is now running
> in an environment where I can't mess with network-manager :(

So, the NetworkManager-dispatcher issue has been solved by bigon's
upload. The /run/network/ifstate related crash I cannot reproduce.
I tested with unmanaged devices, manually removing /run/network/ifstate
and this all was handled properly. Thus I'm downgrading the severity and
marking the bug accordingly.

Lucas, did you enable connectivity check support in your
If you still have the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf from the
system where the crash occurs, could you please attach it?


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