control: tags 761001 moreinfo
control: severity 761001 important

Since I do not have NVIDIA GPU on my system, I removed all its non-free
drivers from my system.  Then my problem is gone.  

For my case, non-free NVIDIA software seems to be interfering with the
GPU detection for GLX on Intel integrated GPU which then caused gdm3 and
GNOME desktop to crash.  I doubt this is a bug for gdm3.  Instead, this
should be bug on NVIDIA code breaking GLX.

The breakage of gdm3 and GNOME can happen due to these reasons.  Unless
Kurt can provide sufficient evidence that his breakage report is caused
by the bug in gdm3, having RC bug report here serves no use.

Kurt, can you provide log file for failed gdm3?
Kurt, can you check your GPU drivers?



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