I'm writing a tool called debsyscheck that tries to find and repair
problems with a debian installation. It found this problem on one of my

[guus@haplo]~/debsyscheck>sudo ./debsyscheck
STAGE 1: gathering information about installed packages
STAGE 2: checking for missing files
Missing file /usr/lib/libompitrace.so.0 from package libopenmpi2

Reinstalling libopenmpi2 does not fix the problem. After some digging,
it looks like the package does contain this file, but it links to
libompitrace.so.0.0.0, which is wrong. During the postinst phase,
ldconfig notices the dangling symlink in /usr/lib and removes it.

This symlink should not be in the package at all; ldconfig normally will
create such symlinks automatically, and indeed it creates the correct
symlink (libompitrace.so.20 -> libompitrace.so.20.0.0).

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <g...@debian.org>

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