Le 02/05/2017 à 15:22, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
> How come this issue is only reported now? The package was uploaded in
> this version more than a year ago.
> The main reason why I maintain python-jenkins, is for Jenkins Jobs
> Builder. I believe it's not affected by this, is it?

I haven't hit the issue until I tried to upgrade a software on a jessie
machine having python-jenkins.  And I guess close to nobody uses the
python-jenkins Debian package unless they happen to install Jenkins Job

> What do you mean by "creating a node"?

That is the method create_node which is to attach a slave to a Jenkins
instance.  Definitely not used by Jenkins Job Builder.

There is another bug. When the target URL has a suffix such as
https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/ . With python-jenkins 0.4.11

>>> from jenkins import Jenkins
>>> j = Jenkins('https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/')
>>> j.get_info()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "jenkins/__init__.py", line 461, in get_info
  File "jenkins/__init__.py", line 361, in jenkins_open
    raise NotFoundException('Requested item could not be found')
jenkins.NotFoundException: Requested item could not be found

That is fixed by 2aa1a5f1b8 released with 0.4.12.

> Last, do you believe the release team will accept using 0.4.12 instead?
> I do not want to upload to later on figure out the release team refuses
> the upload. I'm asking for pre-approval. If it's not granted, I'll keep
> the old version in testing.

0.4.11 to 0.4.12 is only a few patches.

$ git log --oneline --no-merges 0.4.11..0.4.12
dccae5f Drop py33 support
302eb5d Fixed create_node() Error
83c53c4 Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
2aa1a5f Use TestWithScenarios to add additional url tests
46a2f0a Change repositories from stackforge to openstack
3b2dc28 Update .gitreview for new namespace

Most are related to testing or are solely metadata. The two patches that
change code in jenkins are:

1)  302eb5d Fixed create_node() Error

Fix the issue I reported in this bug, does not impact Jenkins Job Builder.

2) 2aa1a5f Use TestWithScenarios to add additional url tests

That fix the example I gave above when trying to get_info() from a
remote Jenkins.

So yeah I think the Debian release team should trust our judgement as
python-jenkins maintainers and happilly accepts the version bump for the
benefit of the Debian project.


Antoine "hashar" Musso

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