On 5/14/07, Ian Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're linking to too old a version of libotr.  The CVS version of
pidgin-otr should use the CVS version of libotr.  That's not new in
pidgin-otr; that's been true (for gaim-otr) for a long time.

Well that's new to me and again not something I can guess... Previous
gaim-otr cvs snapshot worked fine with libotr 3.0.0

By not releasing anything and not letting me know about these kinds of
issues you're really not making my life as a packager "easy"...

I really believe that at this point you should be releasing either a
-rc or a 3.0.1... That would set a reference tombstone. If on the
other hand you do no longer plan on releasing anything and declare
that distributions should follow CVS instead, please let me know, I
would probably reconsider maintaining OTR in debian.

I'll repackage something soon.


Thibaut VARENE

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