Dear Nyizsnyik,

thank you for following up on the report and sorry for not having
answered earlier. It would be great if you could follow the Wiki page
[1] on how to follow up on bug reports.

Am Donnerstag, den 09.12.2010, 16:50 +0100 schrieb Nyizsnyik Ferenc:
> The problem also affects data CD projects. The image isn't created
> correctly in the first place.

Are you sure this is the problem for the original reporter too?

> It is 2097152 bytes long no matter how many files I add to the project
> (12 MB or 623 MB).

So you are *not* using on the fly but write the image to disk

>   When I create an image with genisoimage, and then burn that image with
> Brasero, the CD will be created without problems and it will be
> readable.

Thanks for checking.

>   Brasero version is 2.30.3. 

I suspect you are seeing upstream bug 630651 [2]. Could you please try
the upstream patch? Make sure to also apply the patch for the patch [3].

Testing would be very much appreciated to upload a fixed package for
Debian Squeeze.




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