Package: open-iscsi
Version: 2.0.873+git0.3b4b4500-10
Severity: serious

I'm opening this RC bug so that open-iscsi doesn't migrate to testing,
for two reasons:

 - we need to make a followup upload to fix the systemd WantedBy=
   target, and because of #797108 the old symlinks don't get removed.
   While this is relatively harmless, even if the symlinks were to
   remain, I don't want to add a workaround in postinst, so I'd rather
   keep the package in unstable for a while longer. Ritesh is on
   vacation currently, so the upload will probably not happen before
   testing migration would occur.

 - also, there are some package upgrade related changes in -10 that
   should be tested more thoroughly before we should let it migrate to
   testing - just to make sure we don't break people's systems. Once
   Ritesh is back (and the WantedBy= fix is in unstable), we'll
   probably ask for testers on Planet Debian - and after we have some
   feedback when it comes to upgrades, we'll let this package migrate
   to testing.


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