Checking this:

The test codeĀ  test_mpi_ocl.c works fine for me ("success").

I see the result described for test_lt_dlopen.c, it returns:

0x559b5c923250 can't close resident module

However I agree with Jeff that this does not appear to be an error.
If lt_dlopen() returns a handle, it was successful, and the handle works 
(verified, with a small that is a print statement).

The error state of dlerror() is set somewhere in the MPI stack "in the past" 
and not set to NULL by a successful dlopen() in this code.

So I think the diagnosis is wrong, and cannot proceed further as test_mpi_ocl.c 
succeeds for me.


Alastair McKinstry, <>, <>,
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered.

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