On Sat 12 May, Iain wrote:
> Hi,

> I was just wondering if the version of debian-cd in unstable can be used
> to burn Debian2.2r3 CD's.If not how do I know which files from CVS to
> get?

No it can't - to get the 2.2r3 version you need to do:
Quoting from Anne Bezemer's mail of 2001-05-08
> To get the version used to build the 2.2 rev3 images:
>   cvs checkout -AP -D2001-04-26 debian-cd
>   cvs checkout -AP -roff22r3 -ddebian-cd-22r3 debian-cd
>   rm -rf debian-cd-22r3/{,*/}CVS
>   cp -a debian-cd-22r3/* debian-cd

> But to get all the latest updates and still usable CDs, it's just:
>   cvs checkout -AP -f -roff22r3 debian-cd

> Also, am I right in assuming that the difference between pseudo image
> kit and debian-cd is that debian-cd can be used to make customized CD's?


> Is there any detailed documentation which explains the process of making
> CD's with debian-cd. I found the README file lacking in information.

Not that' I'm aware of - that README is basically your lot. It's a lot better
than nothing, but I agree there is loads of stuff that you have to infer/work
out the hard way. I'd love a definitive doc on archive/CD consruction, which
files are generated by which tools, which tolls depend on which files (I'm
never quite sure which files are generated from others and which are
definitive - I suspect the answer is 'it depends')

> I want to do the following: Burn Debian 2.2r3 CD's (includeing
> non-US/non-free) with some extra customised packages of my own. The
> process I have been following is as follows.

> 1. Use Debian2.2r2 CD's as basis for my local mirror.
> 2. Use customized version of rsync mirror script (found at
> http://www.debian.org/mirror/anonftpsync) to update mirror to 2.2r3.
> 3. Add debian-non-US to local mirror. (Where should this sit in the
> mirror? Right now I have /pub/debian and /pub/debian-non-US but I have
> noticed links to /pool which I don't currently have)

Mine looks like this:
       debian-non-US/ (link to debian/non-US)
                   non-US  (link to ../non-US/pool/non-US)
              non-us  (link to non-US)

I don't know if it _has_ to be this complicated but that's how the main
archives are laid out and it works for 2.2r2 to work (although I haven't
actually built and tested any 2.2r3 custom images yet so no guarantees for

> 4. Add customized packages as explained in CONF.sh
> 5. Start debian-cd process.

> I guess right now I am at step 4 but I am not sure if I have configured
> CONF.sh right or if my local mirror has the right structure to but
> non-US.

see above, my conf.sh looks like this: This version is for making risc-pc
specific arm CDs but it shows how to include local packages and bootfloppies
outside the normal mirror, and non-free, non-US etc.

If you find anything that needs changing for 2.2r3 do tell me as I'll be
having a go very soon....

# The debian-cd dir
export BASEDIR=/usr/share/debian-cd

# Building potato cd set ...
export CODENAME=potato

# Version number, 2.2 or 2.2_r3 etc.
export DEBVERSION="2.2r2"

# Official or non-official set.
# ON THE OFFICIAL DEBIAN CD WEBSITE http://cdimage.debian.org
export OFFICIAL="Unofficial (Aleph One)"
#export OFFICIAL="Official"
#export OFFICIAL="Official Beta"

# RiscPCs need short CD titles
#if [ $(ARCH)="arm" ];
# export BINVOLID=`echo $(BINVOLID) | sed 's/\./_/g'`

# ... for arch  
export ARCH="arm" # ie not the local architechture
#export ARCH=`dpkg --print-installation-architecture`

# IMPORTANT : The 4 following paths must be on the same partition/device.
#             If they aren't then you must set COPYLINK below to 1. This
#             takes a lot of extra room to create the sandbox for the ISO
#             images, however. Also, if you are using an NFS partition for
#             some part of this, you must use this option.
# Paths to the mirrors
export MIRROR=/cdimages/mirror/debian

# Comment the following line if you don't have/want non-US
export NONUS=/cdimages/mirror/debian-non-US

# Path of the temporary directory
export TDIR=/cdimages/CDbuilddir

# Path where the images will be written
export OUT=/cdimages/builtCDs

# Where we keep the temporary apt stuff.
# This cannot reside on an NFS mount.
export APTTMP=/cdimages/CDbuilddir/apt

# Do I want to have NONFREE merged in the CD set
export NONFREE=1

# Do I want to have NONFREE on a separate CD (the last CD of the CD set)
# WARNING: Don't use NONFREE and EXTRANONFREE at the same time !

# If you have a $MIRROR/dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH dir with 
# local packages that you want to put on the CD set then
# uncomment the following line 
export LOCAL=1

# If your local packages are not under $MIRROR, but somewhere else, 
# you can uncomment this line and edit to to point to a directory
# containing dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH
export LOCALDEBS=/cdimages/arm/riscpc/debian

# Sparc only : bootdir (location of cd.b and second.b)
# export BOOTDIR=/boot

# Bootfloppies images if they are not in the usual .../main/disks-arm
export BOOTDISKS=/cdimages/arm/riscpc/bootfloppies

# Aleph One extra stuff lives here
export A1EXTRAS=/cdimages/arm

# Symlink farmers should uncomment this line :
# export SYMLINK=1

# Use this to force copying the files instead of symlinking or hardlinking
# them. This is useful if your destination directories are on a different
# partition than your source files.
# export COPYLINK=1

# Options
export MKISOFS=/usr/bin/mkisofs
export MKISOFS_OPTS="-r -l"     #For riscpc version
# export MKISOFS_OPTS="-a -r -T"        #For normal users
# export MKISOFS_OPTS="-a -r -F . -T"   #For symlink farmers

#set the SIZELIMIT here - is this right - examples have 576716800
export SIZELIMIT=570000000

> Any help would be greatly appreciated,

> Iain

> (Please CC to my address).

> --
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