Now that the Beta release is out, I hope that contributor's workloads are
reduced sufficiently to help me with some questions.


I originally sent this email out 12-Dec-2007 but with the apparent workload
everyone had, and the fact this was certainly a low priority for most
people, I waited till now to resend it. I am hoping all these issues can be
resolved for the official release of Lenny, but if not, at least soon


I have already posted a bug against Debian-CD to have a mixed mode i386
Install CD, but there are other issues with the install I need to address
and I am not sure what package to look at or report a bug with, so I want to
summarize the issues here:


By the way, I believe none of these issues exists on the IA64 version.




Issue 1: Booting the Install CD: Bug #455914

Need to have i386 EFI boot files included to kick off the install on an i386
EFI based system.


The "Boot CD" would contain a file system in the El Torito area instead of
just a boot file. 


El Torito either points to an Image which is loaded into memory and executed
to perform the boot (current method), or it points to a File System which
can contain multiple files. This File System area contains a Boot Sector
which points to the Boot Loader image. So the original El Torito bootable
image simply gets moved down one level into a file system to make this
transparent to Legacy systems. EFI systems ignore the Bootloader and simply
assigns an "fs#" (File System Number) to the partition, then look for the
file Startup.nsh to autorun (similar to booting DOS and running




Issue 2: Guided Partitioning program needs to support EFI: (parted-efi or
its scripts)

I am not sure if this is a 'parted-efi' problem or if there is some script
that just invokes it after querying the user.

The "Guided Partitioning" scripts should detect if 'efivars.ko' is loaded
(or /sys/firmware/efi exists).

If it is not loaded then we can assume this is a standard Legacy system and
install normally.

If we find that 'efivars.ko' (or /sys/firmware/efi) is present, then we can
assume this is an EFI based system and do the following:

    1. If the hard drive is currently "raw", create a GPT (GUIDed Partition
Table) on it.

    2. If the hard drive has a MBR but no other File System (no Windows or
Linux already on it), then offer the primary choice of creating a GPT with a
secondary choice of leaving the MBR on it.

    3. If the hard drive has a MBR and an OS taking the entire drive (like
Windows normally does) among the offers of resizing the Windows partition,
or wiping the drive and install Linux only, should be a GPT offer.

        a. If the drive is being wiped, then a GPT should be recommended.

        b. If the drive is being resized, then the MBR should remain.


In addition, there needs to be a FAT File System partition which EFI can use
to boot the OS. 

    1. If the drive is raw or being wiped and a GPT being made, then the
first partition should be the EFI Partition (type 0xEF) with a default size
of 1% of the total drive size with a minimum of 100MB.

    2. If the drive is currently all one partition like for Windows and is
being resized to allow Linux to have a partition, then part of the freed
space must be for the EFI Partition (hopefully 100MB).

    3. If the drive already contains a FAT File System then it can be used
for the EFI Booting but there must be enough free space on it to copy the
EFI boot files to (about 16MB).


I am not sure what "module" to file this bug against. Is there a "Guided
Partitioning" script that is part of the Install CD that I can file this




Issue 3: Parted-efi should support creating a GPT drive:

There should be an option of creating a GPT or MBR in parted for users using
the manual process on EFI BIOS based systems.

It could be automatic based on the user creating an EFI Partition -vs- a FAT


If the user performs a manual partitioning instead of the Guided one, then
the resultant configuration should be checked for an EFI or FAT Partition
being at least 1% of the total drive size or a minimum of 100MB.


I believe this is a 'feature' requirement against parted-efi.




Issue 4: Base packages being loaded on EFI-BIOS based systems need to
include the package 'elilo': (which I believe has a dependency on including
'efibootmgr' and 'DosFsTools')

The packages elilo and efibootmgr should always be included as part of the
base packages on an EFI based system.

The package elilo contains elilo.efi which is required for subsequent boots.

The program efibootmgr will create the elilo.conf file also required to boot
and will also create an EFI Variable for the Linux Boot entry as well as
change the EFI Variables for BootOrder and BootTimeOut.


I don't know what package is responsible for the base system or how to make
it conditional based on efivars.ko being present.


This is a bug I need to file.




Issue 5: The custom built kernel should load efivars.ko:


This could be debated as; the runtime kernel doesn't require efivars, and
that the packages elilo and efibootmgr don't need to stay around after the

    Option 1: Leave efivars.ko loaded and the packages installed.

Although efivars takes a small amount of system memory, it allows that the
System Table and EFI Variables are available in /sys/firmware/efi

It is possible someone might want to recreate the EFI Boot Manager entry for
Linux using the efibootmgr utility.

Leaving the packages elilo and efibootmgr doesn't consume much disk space
and could possibly be needed in the future.

A requirement of EFI systems is that Dmidecode should use the
/sys/firmware/efi/systab/smbios file to determine where the SM Table is in
memory. This is because on EFI based systems, the SM Table doesn't have to
be located in the F0000h region.

The benefits to loading efivars on boot and leaving elilo and efibootmgr
installed far outweigh the small amount of memory and disk space it would
use on an EFI Based system.


    Option 2: Uninstall elilo and efibootmgr after the install and don't
load the efivars module.

Once the install is complete, a user wouldn't typically need to run
efibootmgr again, and so the module efivars isn't needed and frees a small
amount of system memory, and removing the elilo and efibootmgr frees a small
amount of disk space.

Problems might occur if programs such as dmidecode expect to find the SM
table in the F0000h region as on an EFI BIOS based system it doesn't have to
be there.


I believe that the custom built kernel should include efivars.ko by default
on a platform with an EFI Based BIOS so that the System Table and EFI
Variables are present.


Although the efivars.ko module is loaded during the install, it isn't
included on the installed system. I believe this is a bug.


I am not sure what package to file this bug against.


This is also a possible bug report against dmidecode if it assumes the SM
table resides in the F0000h region as on EFI based systems it is not a
requirement. If /sys/firmware/efi/systab/smbios exists, then it has the
address of the SM table and dmidecode should use it. If it doesn't exist,
then dmidecode can scan the F0000h region for the SM table.




Issue 6: EFI Boot Files are not being copied to the EFI Partition during the
install process:

These files are required to boot Linux on an EFI based system and should be
present in the EFI Partition:

    Elilo.efi   - EFI Linux Loader (Loaded in /efi/boot)

    Elilo.conf  - Config file for elilo (Loaded in /efi/boot)

    Initrd.img  - Ram file system image (Loaded where elilo.conf specifies
it to be, probably /debian)

    Vmlinuz     - Boot kernel (Loaded where elilo.conf specifies it to be,
probably /debian)


This file is optional, but is executed if the user drops into EFI Shell
instead of booting the OS.

    StartUp.nsh - Automatically loaded script on boot (in / if present)


Linux could copy a default Startup.nsh to the EFI Partition if one doesn't
exists. This file only gets executed if the Shell is loaded and isn't the
normal boot path. EFI Shell environment settings could be configured in it.


As mentioned in Issue 4, the package elilo contains elilo.efi and efibootmgr
creates elilo.conf. These two files should be copied to the EFI Partition to
be able to boot.

The install process builds initrd.img and vmlinuz, but they aren't copied to
the EFI Partition either.

I believe there is an expectation that the EFI Partition is mounted in the
/EFI directory, but that is not occurring either.


After Issue 4 above where elilo.efi and elilo.conf exists, and after the
kernel build process where vmlinuz and initrd.img exists, there should be a
step to mount the EFI Partition to /EFI and copy these files there.


I am not sure who is responsible for this or who to file a bug against.




Issue 7: GRUB or LILO should not run, nor be required to run on an EFI BIOS
Based system install.

At the end of the install process, there is a step to write the MBR with
either GRUB or alternately LILO. Neither of these should be run on a GPT

The install process should detect whether the drive contains a GPT and if
so, skip the GRUB (LILO) step of the install.


I am not sure who is responsible for kicking off GRUB during the install but
that script needs to be fixed to skip the step on an EFI Based BIOS. This
also includes removing the warning when you skip the GRUB step.


I am not sure who to file this bug against.




I believe that covers all the minor issues to making the i386 Install CD
work flawlessly on an i386 EFI BIOS based system.


Any suggestions who to talk to, or which modules to file bugs against to
track this would be appreciated.

I am working on each of these issues myself as well.


Best regards,

Charles Abdouch


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