
Courses You Should Have Already Started
Don’t have time to comb through online Professional Development courses? 
Not a problem! We understand your busy schedule.
is a curated list of popular courses:
Blended Learning : Be an element of change! Use this course as a tool to 
transform the face of modern education.
Interventions for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Differences : 
Develop instructional programs for students with dyslexia and other reading 
Educational Technology - Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities : Discover 
tools, methods and perspectives that will enable you to use technology 
effectively, creatively and wisely with your students.
The Flipped Classroom : One of the hottest buzz phrases in education right now. 
Create an environment where lecture and homework are reversed.
Don’t forget to grab a spot as limited entry is available!
                VIEW ALL COURSES 


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