Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` -' in output

2004-06-04 Thread Guy Maor
I vote yes.


Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` -' in output

2004-06-01 Thread Ian Jackson
Raul Miller writes (Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious 
` -' in output):
 Maybe we should do a bit more on Anthony Towns' release policy issue,

Perhaps so.

Several weeks ago I wrote:
 Anthony, do you still want a formal statement of this from the whole
 committee or is informal opinions from some of us individually enough
 for you ?

Perhaps I shouldn't have taken the lack of response as a `no action is


Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` -' in output

2004-05-29 Thread Ian Jackson
Ian Jackson writes (Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` 
-' in output):
 Well, now there are four of us who've replied so it seems we're not
 going to be lacking in participants, and no-one has criticised my
 draft, so I hereby formally propose the resolution below.  If I don't
 hear any objections I'll call for a vote in a few days.

No-one has objected, so I hereby call for a vote on my resolution,
which I proposed earlier.  I vote yes, obviously.  Here's the
resolution again, for reference.

 1. The Technical Committe has considered the questions raised in
Bug#164591 and Bug#164889, concerning the output format from
md5sum when the input is stdin.

 2. For the reasons discussed below we agree with the submitters of
the bugs, that md5sum without arguments should print only the

 3. We will refer to the alternative output formats as follows:
* The `bare' format: the checksum (in hex) followed by a single
* The `annotated' format: the checksum (in hex) followed by two
  spaces, a hyphen, and a newline.

 4. This decision discusses and covers only the case where md5sum
calculates and prints a single checksum, of data fed to it on
standard input.  Other uses of md5sum are not discussed, except to
note that we do not see any need to suggest any changes to those

 5. The bare format is usually more convenient.  It would therefore be
good for there to be a simple way to produce it.

 6. Regarding the compatibility risks of changing the behaviour, we
note that:
i.   The behaviour of Debian's md5sum has varied, changing several
 times between the bare and the annotated format.
ii.  Different implementations of md5sum have different output
 formats, so that the most widespread behaviour has not been
 consistent either.
iii. It seems unlikely to us that there are significant numbers of
 programs which depend on the annotated format.

 7. Although we do not believe the annotated format is useful except
for compatibility reasons, it is acceptable for there to be a way
to generate the annotated format.

 8. Other GNU utilities for reporting on the contents of files are not
very consistent regarding when they print input filenames, but few
utilities print the `-' when the program reads from stdin and `-'
was not supplied as a command line argument.

 9. At least two versions of md5sum have been used in Debian - the one
currently in the dpkg package which originated with Colin Plumb,
and the GNU version.  Likewise, there is some discussion as to
whether md5sum should continue to be supplied by dpkg or by the
Debian coreutils package.  We do not address the issue of which
version of md5sum should be used, or which package it should
reside in.  Our conclusions apply to the utility md5sum no matter
which version is chosen and no matter which package it is in.

10. Accordingly we request (or require, if the required supermajority
is reached according to the Constitution) that the maintainer(s)
of the package(s) containing md5sum cooperate to change the
behaviour, as shown in the following examples:

i.   Output format when no argument supplied:
   $ md5sum /dev/null | cat -vet

ii.  Output when single `-' argument supplied: either
   $ md5sum - /dev/null | cat -vet
   d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  -$
   $ md5sum - /dev/null | cat -vet
 We recommend, but do not insist on, the former.

iii. For other combinations of arguments we do not request
 any change in behaviour.

11. We request (or require) that the package maintainer indicate
whether they would prefer the bug submitter to prepare a patch.
If so then when the submitter has prepared a reasonable patch, the
maintainer should accept and apply it if they approve; otherwise,
or if they prefer, they should do the necessary work themselves.

12. We recommend that, if applicable, the resulting patch be sent
upstream for inclusion in the GNU coreutils.  If Debian continues
to use the non-GNU version, we recommend that the bug submitter
prepare a patch to GNU coreutils and submit it to the GNU

13. We note that the issues surrounding sha1sum are similar to those
surrounding md5sum.  We have not been asked to rule on sha1sum but
expect that if the question arose our decision would be the same.

Ian Jackson, at home.   Local/personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` -' in output

2004-05-29 Thread Ian Jackson
Jason Gunthorpe writes (Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces 
spurious ` -' in  output):
 I do not object to your draft, if it comes to a vote I will support it.


 However, I fail to see the point of all this. As far as I can tell making
 this decision, or not, will have no substantive effect on Debian at all.

Well, it's a small improvement.  But it is the committee's job to deal
with these kind of things.  I just wish I could get more people to
bring their disputes to us.

Perhaps we need an announcement.


Re: Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` -' in output

2004-05-29 Thread Raul Miller
I vote yes to this resolution.



On Sat, May 29, 2004 at 06:19:10PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
 Ian Jackson writes (Proposed resolution Re: md5sum FILE produces spurious ` 
 -' in output):
  Well, now there are four of us who've replied so it seems we're not
  going to be lacking in participants, and no-one has criticised my
  draft, so I hereby formally propose the resolution below.  If I don't
  hear any objections I'll call for a vote in a few days.
 No-one has objected, so I hereby call for a vote on my resolution,
 which I proposed earlier.  I vote yes, obviously.  Here's the
 resolution again, for reference.
  1. The Technical Committe has considered the questions raised in
 Bug#164591 and Bug#164889, concerning the output format from
 md5sum when the input is stdin.