Anand, I know I'd be keen to see a Debian version of this:

as well as some decent t-shirts. Perhaps others'd be interested too?

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 17:36, Anand Kumria wrote:
> Hi all,
> [ forward as required ]
> I'm planning on doing some 10th birthday gear. I'm intending to get some
> t-shirts made up but if people would like something else instead/as well
> then let me know. Naturally you'll probably find it simpler to get your
> own made up if you don't live in Sydney, Australia.
> I'm only planning on doing a limited run, so perhaps people who are
> doing something similiar locally can email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let
> others know. Naturally if I don't hear from you, nothing will be made.
> I've also been toying around with a slogan (or two) with the help of
> Anthony. The general one can always be done later (or used on posters).
> I've, obviously, taken some artistic liberties with the numbers but the
> intent is the alliteration.
> Birthday              
>      Debian   
>     10 years                  
>    100 countries
>   1000 maintainers
>  10000 packages
> General
>       Debian
>         1 project
>        10 architectures
>       100 countries
>      1000 maintainers
>     10000 packages
>    100000 bug fixed
>   1000000 million users
>  10000000 installations
> 100000000 lines of code
> I'd welcome any feedback / improvements.
> Regards,
> Anand


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