Thank you, Norbert, for trying to get this fixed. calibre upstream
already had 6 bug reports and counting in just the last week, for an issue:

- that was fixed in May
- only applicable to people field-testing the python3 transition which
  was marked as beta and is currently superseded by stable releases

Obviously, upstream getting bug reports due to distro respins shipping
*outdated* and broken beta code is one of those "non-ideal" situations...

> The upload needs to be confirmed that it fixes the problem by someone
> else than you before it gets into Ubuntu proper. I haven't had any good
> experience with it.

I guess it would be nice if "I'm the debian maintainer, you accidentally
pulled a beta build which is RC-buggy" had some weight to it.

We'll see how it goes, I suppose. There will be major problems if Ubuntu
keeps this in an LTS release for the next 5 years.

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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