Hi all,

I know that it's a bit out-off-the-line (that is, the "solution" I'll propose), 
I don't have anything to add the current "*/mail* discussion, but please don't 
flame me, the "solution" is just an idea that may be somebody from the current 
discussion audience could take if one likes it. 

The subject: It looks to me, that everybody cares about mail spool disk usage, 
so a lot of people put mail spools on a separate partition. In doing so, some 
people like to have partitions mounted as close to root as possible (the 
/var/mail variant). IMHO the choice is really quite unimportant, we live with 
symlinks for quite some time now, and they really serve the purpose of allowing 
both distributors and admins not to care too much. There is also an issue of  
best backup schedules that are different for *spool/mail and for *spool/lpd 
(for example) that make people have spool/mail on a separate partition from 
spool/other; but this doesn't support my points in the following paragraph, so 
I leave it alone for now.

The actual problem is disk usage management limitation that we have on Unix 
boxes. Independently of whatever conclusion this FHS discussion on */mail comes 
to; Probably, it would be quite nice if some kernel guru took a deep breath and 
think of a "subdirectory tree" based quotas as an addition to current "UID 
based" filesystem quotas and "partition size" limitations, that today's Unixes 
provide for disk space management. 

I think, that if such "quotas" existed - thus allowing to provide a quota of, 
say 40MB, within /var/spool/mail for GID=mail and nobody else; and, say 10MB, 
within /var/spool/lpd to UID=lpd and, say 15MB, within /var/spool/cron to 
UID=root -- current /var/spool/mail discussion would be much less fierce or 
even void. For a time, everybody would live with couple of compatibility 
symlinks around, and since there would be no reason to move any */spool/* 
around, even those symlinks would disappear soon... I think.


Wysłany:  26 stycznia 1999 01:16
Do:  Theodore Y. Ts'o
Temat:  Re: Resolutions to comments on LSB-FHS-TS_SPEC_V1.0

One simple one - I want my mail on the spool disk. Its in the grows
randomly, mostly crap, doesnt cause hassle if it fills for a while

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