On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 02:27:48PM -0400, Ervin Hearn III wrote:
> > > Please don't do this yet, since dselect is still more self-documenting, 
> > > and therefore easier for new people to use.  :-P
> > Easier for new people to use?!?
> > /me rolls off chair laughing.
> > I sincerely hope the ":-P" means you are using sarcasm.
> Quite seriously, I prefer using dselect... the main complaint
> I've heard from new users is being able to search for a specific
> package quickly. As soon as I teach them about / for find and
> \ for find again, they generally find it just as useful as I do.

I'm also one of dselect haters.  I find it difficult to learn in
the way vi is: the keystrokes are so surprising and esoteric that
I'm having hard time even reading the help about those keystrokes.
For me, vi was worth learning; dselect most definitely was not.

Panu Kalliokoski

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