
On 16/04/18 at 08:28 +0800, Rolf Leggewie wrote:
> Lucas and Atheros hijacked my package [...]

I know I'm late to the thread, but I wanted to make another point.

You write "my package". I think that as Debian maintainers, we should
try to avoid talking about "*my* package", but rather use e.g. "a
package I maintain inside Debian", "a package I take care of", etc.

That's more convoluted, but I think that it does a better job at
conveying that we are not owners of the packages we maintain, but rather
that we are taking care of a small part of a greater whole, governed by
rules and processes that enable it to be resilient to maintainers being
away/busy or leaving the project, or to technical disagreements. And
actually many of the hardest things we have done over the years have
been about building those balanced rules and processes, maybe more than
solving technical issues.

And note that it's also why we have rules or strong recommendations
such as using Debian infrastructure to maintain Debian packages, and
thus why you should not be using GitHub for the packages you maintain.


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