On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Herbert Xu wrote:

> > > > Anytime I do "insmod sound" or run any program which causes kerneld to
> > > > have to load the sound module,  my whole system freezes for a while --

Thanks for your help.  I managed to find another copy of an old .config
file for my kernel compiles,  and I've determined that the problem was
caused by setting "Configure Additional Low-Level Drivers" in the sound
config menu.

Unselected it,  and now everything's fine again.

|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|            Float away here with me an evenng just wait and see,        |
|          But tomorrow go back to your man -- I'm back to my world      |
|                       And we're back to being friends.                 |
|                Wait and see me,  Tonight let's do this thing.          | 
|      All we are is wasting hours; until the sun comes up it's all ours |
|                               On our way here                          |
|                       Tomorrow back to being friends.                  |
|                              - Dave Matthews                           |

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