On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:28:29AM +0800, Isaac To wrote:
> >>>>> "H" == H S Teoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     H> That would mean 95% of non-trivial XSLT stylesheets would need to be
>     H> rewritten...
> Or perhaps the XSLT language itself needs to be rewritten.

Yes, that was my hidden motive. :-P

Personally, I think XSLT is crap, although XPath is kinda cool. Somebody
should invent a functional equivalent of XSLT minus the idiotic verbosity,
and keep XPath. But who am I kidding, the entire XML syntax is painfully
verbose. It's a chore both to read and write. (Yeah, yeah, I've heard the
argument that it's supposed to be read only by machines. So why are so
many programmers still writing XSLT by hand? Plus, if you want machine
readable, go binary...) <insert off-topic rant here>


Give me some fresh salted fish, please.

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