[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joey Hess)  wrote on 30.07.02 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I don't think it offers much if anything over special-purpose staging
> areas as is being used for perl 5.8 right now.

It seems to me staging areas could solve a lot of these difficulties, yes.

I'm not clear on the current state of the art (never having needed to use  
them), but I envision a productive state approximately like this:

* Have some (semi-?)automatic way of creating a new staging area
* Allow upload to a "staging/xyz" distribution via the usual upload queues  
(and probably using the usual pool, and having the staging stuff under  
dists/staging/xyz with Packages files and everything - easier on mirrors  
_and_ developers/testers that way)
* Have a (semi-?)automatic way of "pulling the plug" on a staging area, so  
that all of it packages get injected into unstable and the staging area  
closed in one go

Creating a new staging area, and pulling the plug, should involve more  
than making a changelog entry - otherwise errors are too easy to make -  
but if we can get away without bothering ftp masters or release  
coordinators, that's a plus.

You might envision staging areas as short-time extra-unstables.

MfG Kai

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