
The Linux Professional Institute, http://www.lpi.org, is a non-profit
community organization developing a Linux certification program. I believe
it will become the leading Linux certification program because of the open
and cooperative nature of its development. I have been asked if I, or
someone I could recommend would serve as a liaison between LPI and Debian
and to serve on their Advisory Board.  I am very interested in serving in
this position as I will be making an important contribution to Linux and
Debian.  I also feel that I should disclose the fact that I own the domain
Linuxtech.com and plan to use it for future business ventures. 

I have been following the LPI for awhile now and I have attended a BOF
session on certification at Linux World Expo in San Jose.  While attending
the Expo I helped with manning the Debian booth and spoke to Wichert
Akkerman briefly about the program. He would like the certification to be
available at no cost.  While I agree that ideally it should be available
for no cost, delivering and verifying a quality exam for free will be very
difficult to maintain with wide availability and access. 

I would be more than happy to offer certifications for free through the
domain linuxtech.com if it can be done at no cost to myself, I'm not
wealthy and really don't see a practical way to deliver a free program
that is not subject to abuse.

The LPI plans to deliver the exams through a professional test delivery
company such as Sylvan or VUE, and they are open to less costly methods
provided they do not compromise the security or integrity of the exam
delivery process.

Initially there will be a registration fee for applicants, as well as a
charge for each exam taken. However LPI plans to make the program as
affordable and accessible around the world as possible. 

As Debian liaison, my primary duties will be to insure the quality of the
exams, especially the Debian portion of the distribution specific section
and make sure that availability and accessibility is maximized.

If for some reason you developers do not want me to act as liaison, please
recommend someone who will do it as this is important for Debian and

Chuck Peters
Chester County Interlink System Administrator

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