
recently I have been fouled by some very nasty incidents which made me
think that I have made something wrong with our boot floppies.

Here is the story.

  I've created German boot-floppies, but only regular ones, no tecra
  images.  I had to create a slink cd set for a German distributor
  where we wanted to provide German boot-floppies.

  Unfortunately when testing they were creating the floppies on an
  OS/2 machine instead of a linux box - well, Linux was to be

  Even more unfortunately the CD driver on that machine wasn't aware
  of Joliet properly so root1440tecra.bin got renamed to root1440.bin.
  The driver renames the files, but since I've removed the original
  resc1440.bin and inserted a new one, this file came after the tecra
  file.  Thus, from that time on, we lost my work on the German
  disks.  Similar things would apply for plain DOS, I guess.

  It took quite a while figuring this out and led me into depression
  'cause the CDs were already being burned at the time we noticed

Thus I request the following changes:

 a) If we provide non-regular boot floppies, this *has to* be made
    visible on the first startup screen.  "This is the tecra image",
    "This is the image for Sun4m" or similar.

 b) If we provide files that are to be read from DOS or other systems
    where a filename limitation (such as 8.3) occurs we *must not*
    name files which could be identical.  E.g. resc1440tecra.bin and
    resc1440.bin are identical under 8.3.

    Thus I request to rename like follows:

    resc1440tecra.bin      --> rescte1440.bin
    resc1440-save.bin      --> resc-s1440.bin
    resc1440tecra-save.bin --> rescte-s1440.bin

    This looks quite ugly, does somebody has a better naming schem?
    Maybe this one?

    resc1440tecra.bin      --> tecra1440.bin
    resc1440-save.bin      --> save1440.bin
    resc1440tecra-save.bin --> tecra-save1440.bin



Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop or in front of a mirror.

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