
A comment from Martin F. Krafft in his talk today at DebConf9
reminded me that many of our binary packages do actually not include
the example files which are included in the source package.

I've been anoyed by this several times in the past already, and
wheenever I stumble across a binary package missing available example
files I file a bug.  I just did a quick check and found 2 out of
5 packages I looked at to have examples in the source package which are
not shipped with any binary package.

I will probably try to automate this process somewhat and file a lot
more bugs soon, but before I start this effort I'd like to remind
individual package maintainers to look at their packages and check if
they are providing example files that are not shipped yet.

As Martin said today, many of us actually like to start from some simple
templates, instead of creating something new completely from scratch.
I very very much agree with this.

So, please, remember policy 12.6, thank you.



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