
short version: this is a call for teams to send me team-specific P&P and
T&S questions. I'll collect them and add them in one file per team to
the NM template repository[1].

Long version: in the NM process we have a repository[1] of questions
that AMs can send to applicants. Some questions are categorised as P&P
(Philosophy and Procedures), and ask about the general mindset of Debian
and its everyday procedures, and some are categorised T&S (short for
Tasks and Skills) and contain question on important technical or
practical aspects of Debian.

I figured it could be interesting to collect sets of team-specific
questions, especially regarding procedures, tasks and skills, from the
various teams[2] in Debian.

Of course AMs could use the list to pick some bonus questions for
applicants that have an interest in a topic for which we have a specific
team. But more importantly, experience has shown that those questions
are an interesting read for people who would like to learn more about
Debian, or who would like to put what they know to the test.

I would love to have something similar on a per-team basis, especially
considering that team-specific procedures, tasks and skills are less
known than the debian-wide ones.

For example, before attempting to draft, say, a patch to dak or to the
website, I'd be strongly motivated to have a read through such a list of
questions to test my understanding of how the team works, to kind of
reassure myself that I am not going to do something obviously stupid.

So, this is a call for teams to send me team-specific P&P and T&S
questions. I'll collect them and add them in one file per team to the NM
template repository[1].

[1] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/nm/trunk/nm-templates/#_trunk_nm-templates_
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams



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