On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 12:01:07PM -0500, Gravis wrote:
>im not entirely sure this is the proper list for this (i was told it
>should be).
>in short, the gparted package is very out of date.  the current version
>that is still in testing is version 0.2.5 which is from May 2006
>(2006-05-13).  the latest version 0.3.3 (2006-12-06) is far more stable
>than 0.2.5.  ive tried to contact the maintainer a couple weeks ago but
>he does not respond and i suspect the address is defunct.

I haven't uploaded the new version to unstable to not upset the etch
release. I could upload it to experimental but I'm not sure if it
will be useful.

>this is an important package to the Gnome Desktop so im requesting that
>i be allowed to become the new maintainer of this package.

Otavio is already a comaintainer.

>any help is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar

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