debconf5 CFP reminder and update

2005-03-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei
Hi! The period to submit papers for debconf5 will expire March 15th 2005, 23h59 UTC, so you have a few days left to think up a good talk to propose. The steps to follow are here: Jeff Bailey (who is responsible for the talks) works on an

Call For Papers for DebConf5 in Helsinki

2005-02-08 Thread Andreas Schuldei
will see your proposal on the site. If it's not there for some reason, please tell us right away! Step 2. Committee Review The review committee for this year consists of Jeff Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andreas Schuldei [EMAIL PROTECTED], and Amaya Rodrigo Sastre [EMAIL PROTECTED] This committee

Talks at debconf4

2004-05-01 Thread Andreas Schuldei
We have prepared a final preliminary talks and bof schedule. you can find it on the debconf4 site at now that you can estimate better what you would miss if you wouldn't come you should consider all possible options: play the lottery, sell your

travel support for the needy

2004-05-01 Thread Andreas Schuldei
After finalizing our budget and cutting some costs (no notebooks to sensible prices in brazil) we now are able to offer travel support for some Debian Developers of up to 500$ each. If you would like to make use of this offer and are not able to afford the trip on your own (and have not

debconf4 CFP

2004-03-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei
Hello, All. General Information The 5th Debian Conference (DebConf4)[1] will take place from May 26 to June 02 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Such a large gathering of Debian developers and enthusiasts gives the unique opportunity to reach a highly skilled and interested audience with a variety

Talks at DebConf in Oslo

2003-07-06 Thread Andreas Schuldei
I invite everyone to take a look at this years schedule for the talks and events at DebConf in Oslo. If you come to Oslo, take a look around the website. We hope to provide all the info you need. If you miss something, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

End of Deb{Conf,Camp} Registration on 16th of june

2003-06-09 Thread Andreas Schuldei
For logistical and organisational reasons we have to close the registration for debconf 3 and debcamp on the 16th of june. Numbers of new registrations have dropped off over the last few days, so we assume that most people who want to come have made arrangements and plans by now. Some people