Missatge de Baptiste Jammet <bapti...@mailoo.org> del dia dj., 6 de
set. 2018 a les 19:57:
> Hello,
> Dixit Miroslav Kure, le 04/09/2018 :
> >I believe cs translation was excluded from builds quite some years ago,
> >so if it got reactivated again, please disable it / mark as obsolete
> >as needed. AFAIK there is noone working on the translation and I do
> >not see this changing in the near future.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Indeed, ca & cs translations are disabled in the Makefile.
> So we just need to have a working transcount script for 1) have a
> successfull build and 2) taking care of future (or reactivated) xml
> translations.
> As nobody disagree, I plan to push the attached change during the
> week-end.

Sure, please go ahead! I am trying to find someone interested on doing
'ca' translation, so we might be able to reactivate it in future.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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