Package: gcc-4.8-base
Version: 4.8.2-14
Severity: normal
Tags: patch


please add a Breaks: gcc-4.7-base (<< 4.7.3) to gcc-4.8-base.
This should "simplify" wheezy->jessie upgrades where apt prefers to keep
the wheezy version (4.7.2-5) installed instead of removing some old
packages and upgrading to the jessie version (currently 4.7.3-10).
Some such problems occur during piuparts tests.

--- gcc-4.8-4.8.2/debian/control.m4
+++ gcc-4.8-4.8.2/debian/control.m4
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 Priority: PRI(required)
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Replaces: ${base:Replaces}
-Breaks: gcc-4.4-base (<< 4.4.7), gcj-4.4-base (<< 4.4.6-9~), gnat-4.4-base (<< 4.4.6-3~), gcj-4.6-base (<< 4.6.1-4~), gnat-4.6 (<< 4.6.1-5~), dehydra (<= 0.9.hg20110609-2)
+Breaks: gcc-4.4-base (<< 4.4.7), gcj-4.4-base (<< 4.4.6-9~), gnat-4.4-base (<< 4.4.6-3~), gcj-4.6-base (<< 4.6.1-4~), gnat-4.6 (<< 4.6.1-5~), gcc-4.7-base (<< 4.7.3), dehydra (<= 0.9.hg20110609-2)
 Description: GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
  This package contains files common to all languages and libraries

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