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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Review: DSD Posturing Buck Decoy
By: Dave Maas
If you’re like me, you love bowhunting whitetails. And in my opinion, there’s 
no method that is more effective – and more fun – than decoying.

While decoying can work during any part of the deer season, the absolute best 
time is the rut, when mature bucks are searching for hot does. Sure,...

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Video: Tim Wells Spears Big Bear from Above
By: Keenan Crow
Spear hunting has been around since the dawn of mankind. Recently it has earned 
a bad rap because some people view it as shocking and possibly unethical.

This video is similar to another black bear hunt we’ve seen using a spear with 
a GoPro attached, except this one is filmed from above. Hunter...

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8 Reasons to Extend Your Camping Season
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Labor Day weekend might mark the official end of summer, but there are still 
plenty of good camping days ahead during the next few months, so don’t stow 
your gear just yet.

In fact, fall camping offers a number of advantages that simply aren’t there 
during the warmer months. Here are eight great...

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This Awesome Poster Hangs Every Fish in North America on Your Wall
By: Keenan Crow
This might be the coolest poster you could hang on your wall. The printing 
company Pop Chart Lab has created a poster that allows you to see every species 
of fish in North America. It’s a must for any fishing fanatic.

There are over 900 species of freshwater fish in North Americas lakes, 

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A Float Trip with Mom
By: Dave Maas
When I was a boy, my dad took me on my first canoeing and camping trip on the 
St. Croix River. Our adventure ignited my love for fishing and exploration. My 
imagination ran wild as we paddled the mysterious backwaters into the woods; it 
seemed an alligator was as likely as anything to snatch my trusty...

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Review: SilencerCo SWR Radius Rail-Mounted Rangefinder
By: Jim Grant
When I was boarding my flight from South Carolina headed all the way across to 
country to New Mexico, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. SilencerCo had 
sent me an invitation to stretch the legs of the newest addition to their 
product lineup: the SWR Radius.

To be honest, I had some reservations...

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Will YouTube Start Blocking Hunting and Firearms Channels?
By: Keenan Crow
YouTube just announced their new guidelines for what content creators can 
monetize, and may have just shot some gun channels right in the foot.

“Content that is considered “not advertiser-friendly” includes, but is not 
limited to:

        Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Women Who Hunt 
Three inspiring women share what it’s like to be female hunters.
Women Who Shoot 
Three badass women share their passion for firearms and shooting sports.
Practice Makes Perfect 
The Mutton Busters train hard leading up to their big day at the rodeo. Hard 
work and practice help
Women Who Farm 
Three hardworking women share what it’s like to be female farmers.


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