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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Yeti Tough Jobs

Front Page

Very Rare Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid Harvested in Canada
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
This is no albino grizzly. Experts say that a hunter in Nunavut recently shot 
and killed a very rare grizzly-polar bear hybrid near the rural community of 
Arviat. The hunter, 25-year-old Didji Ishalook, was the first to notice that 
the animal he downed had characteristics of both species.

“It looks...

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First Ride: Bad Boy Off Road Stampede 900
By: Derrek Sigler
Bad Boy is no stranger to the hunting community. Under the Bad Boy Buggies 
flag, they were known for the electric, camo-clad side-by-side vehicles made 
famous by my friend Michael Waddell and his partners at Bone Collector. Of 
course, terms such as “golf cart on steroids” have been used to describe...

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Airplanes + Archery Gear = Frustrated Hunter? Not Always.
By: Bernie Barringer

I don’t mind driving to a hunting destination. In fact, I’ve driven all over 
North America, and I enjoy seeing new country. In January of this year, I drove 
from Minnesota to Louisville, Kentucky, for the Archery Trade Association show, 
then went south through Alabama, Louisiana and...

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The Most Powerful Handgun Cartridge Ever Made?
By: Tom McHale
People often wonder what is the most powerful handgun. The answer is... it 
depends. You can’t simply say that any specific handgun, like the Concussive 
Detonation Eardrum Buster 9000 is the most powerful gun because the power level 
depends on the ammunition you can safely load in it. To split hairs,...

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Photo Tip: Use a Moose Shed to Improve Black Bear Trophy Pics
By: Dave Maas
It’s a fact: After a successful hunt, some game animals are easier to 
photograph than others.

A big whitetail buck? No problem. Simply kneel behind the deer (don’t ever sit 
on a harvested animal), roll the buck onto his belly with legs tucked 
underneath, grab an antler with the buck’s head...

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The HK SP5K Pistol Is Coming to the USA in 2016
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Heckler & Koch will introduce the new SP5K pistol at the 2016 NRA Annual 
Meeting and Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. A semi-automatic pistol based 
on the MP5K, the all-new 9 mm SP5K was developed by Heckler & Koch as a 
sporting pistol that matches the look and feel of the famous...

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Video: Man “Attacked” by Playful Ocelot
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
YouTube personality Coyote Peterson is well-known for his outdoor antics, but 
while recording for his series Brave Wilderness in Costa Rica, Peterson had a 
rare encounter with a baby ocelot. Also known as “dwarf leopards,” ocelots are 
large cats that are well distributed across South America, Central...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Daniel Murphy, of Stump Munchers and Murphy 4 Trees, meets up with host Ryan 
Van Duzer in the Pennsy
Cameron Hanes 
Who exactly is Cameron Hanes? Get the story behind the intense drive of this 
hardcore, backcountry b
The spring turkey season is winding down and the team gets much needed closure 
to a tough season in
2016 NCHA Super Stakes 
The 2016 National Cutting Horse Association's second leg of the Triple Crown in 
Fort Worth, Texas.


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