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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Chevy Silverado

Front Page

Drone Captures Live Strike from Monster Pike
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Technology is advancing every day, allowing us to see things in ways we have 
never seen before. These advances are perfect for turning ordinary and 
unremarkable fishing videos into something you’ll want to watch over and over 

Fishing videos in the past have had us glued to the television...

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Pl@ntNet is like Shazam for Plants
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Pl@ntNet is a new app that was developed by scientists from four French 
research organizations – Cirad, INRA, Inria and IRD – and the Tela Botanica 
network. The free app helps identify plant species from photographs through the 
help of visual recognition software. The app uses species that are well...

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Videos: Three Quick Reminders That Hot Brass Hurts
By: OutdoorHub Social
Getting burned by hot brass sucks.

It doesn't matter how tough you are, getting burned by hot brass sucks. These 
three videos show that no one is immune to the pains of hot brass. The only 
defense against hot brass is proper shooting attire and a little situational 
awareness. Try and keep those two...

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Elephant Flips Over Safari Jeep with Driver Inside
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
An elephant from the Maputo Game Reserve, South Africa, was filmed tipping over 
a truck while the driver was still sitting inside. The driver, Rudie Swanepoel, 
owner of Game Africa Estates, posted photos of his truck after the incident, 
which showed heavy damage and what appeared to be part of a tusk.


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‘Crawlers + Channel Catfish = Summer Fun
By: Dave Maas
In many small rivers throughout North America, channel cats are plentiful and – 
even better – they’re often willing biters. And unlike sunfish and crappies, 
which are also numerous and fairly easy to catch, channel cats grow large 
enough to test the strength and endurance of most any angler.


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Summer Camping: Winning the Mosquito Wars
By: Kurt Beckstrom
Few things can take the fun out of your camping trip quicker than a whining, 
biting swarm of mosquitoes descending upon the campsite—and your unfortunate 

No preventive measure can guarantee a bite-free experience, but there are 
things you can do to keep the itch-factor at a minimum.


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Rock Avalanche Collapses Alaskan Mountainside
By: Gina Sanders
Mountainous peaks reaching upward toward the sky are a sight to behold. Taking 
in the beauty of such scenery can be incredibly relaxing, provided there is no 
sound to accompany it. However, if you begin to hear a dull roar, things are 
about to change.

The rumblings of an avalanche are the first indicator...

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Maryland Natural Resources Police Officer Photobombed by Bear
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
When you’re out and about enjoying nature, sometimes you find yourself 
unexpectedly sharing space with wild animals. If you’re lucky, you just might 
be able to share the video screen with them – from afar, of course – just as 
one Maryland Natural Resources Police Officer did recently.


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Video: This Test Shooting of FOG Ammunition Will Put You in a Trance
By: Daniel Xu
Have you ever been put in a trance by the sound of a .223 round hitting a steel 
plate? This video from FOG Ammunition seems to do the trick. Here, Justin from 
Holt Works tests out FOG's .223 55-grain FMJ, and there is just something very 
zen about the combination of a rifle report, bullet hitting...

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Former Boxer Knocks down Black Bear in Self Defense
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
A lot of boxers can say they faced impressive opponents in the ring, but how 
many can say they got in a fist fight with a bear and came out on top? A 
61-year-old man from Sudbury, Ontario, told news outlets that he came across an 
estimated 300-pound black bear while dog-walking last weekend. Rick Nelson,...

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Black Marlin of the Reef 
Black marlin fishing aboard the Tradition off the great barrier reef in 
Family and Friends 
Shell Rotella SuperRigs is one of the most important trucking shows of the 
year, but the event isn’t
Lynchburg Turkey Smackdown 
Julie and Daniel Lee are in Lynchburg, Tennessee hunting with good friend, Jeff 
Norman. Lynchburg is
As the largest equine breed registry in the world, the American Quarter Horse 
Association exists to


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