Un saluto "analfabeta" si estende a tutta la lista... : )

ieri pomeriggio, sulla mia testing ha smesso di funzionare la tastiera del
mio utente abituale in gnome, mentre continua a funzionare sia in console
testuale (1-6) e per altri utenti gnome...

il mio .xsession-errors è il seguente:

/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
1245322680.210802 Session manager: disconnected...
Avviso del window manager: Lettura del file della sessione
/home/noone/.config/metacity/sessions/default0.ms fallita: Apertura del file
"/home/noone/.config/metacity/sessions/default0.ms" non riuscita: No such
file or directory

** (nautilus:4805): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Non supportato

(awn-applets-migration:4931): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid
uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `AwnConfigClient'
Screen is composited.
Avviso del window manager: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message
with a timestamp of 0 for 0x2e00028 (awn_elemen)
Avviso del window manager: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0
timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/icedove.desktop
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/epiphany.desktop
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/tsclient.desktop
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop
LOADED : /usr/share/applications/nautilus-browser.desktop
APPLET : /usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/taskman.desktop
APPLET : /usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/main-menu.desktop
warning: No hp: or hpfax: devices found in any installed CUPS queue.

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.9.4b)
System Tray Status Service ver. 2.0

Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

** (nautilus:4805): WARNING **: Cannot extract frame (252, 0) from the grid

18/06/2009 12:58:32 Autoprobing TCP port
18/06/2009 12:58:32 Autoprobing selected port 5900
18/06/2009 12:58:32 Advertising security type: 'TLS' (18)
18/06/2009 12:58:32 Advertising authentication type: 'No Authentication' (1)
18/06/2009 12:58:32 Advertising security type: 'No Authentication' (1)
Launched application : 4981
Launched application : 5017

** (nautilus:4805): WARNING **: Cannot extract frame (252, 0) from the grid

** (gedit:5037): WARNING **: Cannot extract frame (252, 0) from the grid

immagino che il problema sia dovuto a avant-window-navigator o qualcosa a
lui collegato (perchè lo utilizza solo l'utente incriminato)...

a parte la tastiera, tutto il resto pare funzionare regolarmente...

grazie dell'aiuto


"Two things are infinite, the Universe and Human Stupidity...
and I'm not sure about Universe..."


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