>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

> I believe the following steps are needed to make this an official
> package:
>  1. Replace the remaining non-karaf boot jars with debian packages,
>     these packages are:
>     a. apache felix framework 5.6.10
>        - Already a debian package, but currently in version 4.6.12 in
>          stretch, testing and unstable [3]

I've filed a bug to have this updated:

>     b. apache felix metatype 1.1.6 [4]

I've filed an RFP for this package:

>     c. apache felix configadmin 1.8.16 [5]

I've filed an RFP for this package:

>     d. apache felix file install 3.6.4 [6]

I've filed an RFP for this package:

>     e. OPS4J PAX URL Aether 2.5.3 [7]

I've filed an RFP for the parentt projec for this package:

>     f. OPS4J PAX Logging API 1.10.1 [8]
>     g. OPS4J PAX Logging Log4J2 1.10.1 [9]

I've filed an RFP for the parent project for these two packages:

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