Hi all,

I have exactly the same challenge as described by sppmg.

I am using Debian testing and usually update every few days. Roughly between Aug 12th and Aug 20th, my fully functional KDE4 was upgraded and since then I am not able to use KDE any more.

The progress bar freezes, then after a while the kmix windows opens (window and all controls are functional), but the desktop background is not redrawn when I move the window, and none of the launch bars or application bars show up. No menu shows up when I hit the right mouse button.

Strangely enough, both kdeinit4 and kdeinit5 seem to run in parallel.

I also removed all packages and installed again using "apt-get install kde-full", but no change. I have also tried the dist-upgrade without noticeable improvement.

breeze is 4:5.3.2-4+b1, libkdecorations2-5v5 is 4:5.3.2-3, and libkdecorations2private5v5 is 4:5.3.2-3.

xfce as well as kde apps are running without problems.

Any hints?


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